Matlabda çok sayıda önceden tanımlanmış fonksiyon bulunmaktadır. Bu derste fonksiyonları nasıl kullanacağımızı örnekler öğreneceğiz.
A = [1 3 5]; max(A) işlemin sonucu>>
ans = 5
B = [10 6 4]; max(A,B) işlemin sonucu>>
ans = 10 6 5
[maxA,location] = max(A);
disp('Hoş Geldiniz');
clc komutuyla editor ekranı temizlenir.
ans |
Most recent answer |
clc |
Clear Command Window |
diary |
Save Command Window text to file |
format |
Set Command Window output display format |
home |
Send cursor home |
iskeyword |
Determine whether input is MATLAB keyword |
more |
Control paged output for Command Window |
zeros |
Create array of all zeros |
ones |
Create array of all ones |
rand |
Uniformly distributed random numbers |
true |
Logical 1 (true) |
false |
Logical 0 (false) |
eye |
Identity matrix |
diag |
Create diagonal matrix or get diagonal elements of matrix |
blkdiag |
Construct block diagonal matrix from input arguments |
cat |
Concatenate arrays along specified dimension |
horzcat |
Concatenate arrays horizontally |
vertcat |
Concatenate arrays vertically |
repelem |
Repeat copies of array elements |
repmat |
Repeat copies of array |
linspace |
Generate linearly spaced vector |
logspace |
Generate logarithmically spaced vector |
freqspace |
Frequency spacing for frequency response |
meshgrid |
2-D and 3-D grids |
ndgrid |
Rectangular grid in N-D space |
length |
Length of largest array dimension |
size |
Array size |
ndims |
Number of array dimensions |
numel |
Number of array elements |
isscalar |
Determine whether input is scalar |
isvector |
Determine whether input is vector |
ismatrix |
Determine whether input is matrix |
isrow |
Determine whether input is row vector |
iscolumn |
Determine whether input is column vector |
isempty |
Determine whether array is empty |
sort |
Sort array elements |
sortrows |
Sort rows of matrix or table |
issorted |
Determine if array is sorted |
issortedrows |
Determine if matrix or table rows are sorted |
flip |
Flip order of elements |
fliplr |
Flip array left to right |
flipud |
Flip array up to down |
rot90 |
Rotate array 90 degrees |
transpose |
Transpose vector or matrix |
ctranspose |
Complex conjugate transpose |
permute |
Rearrange dimensions of N-D array |
ipermute |
Inverse permute dimensions of N-D array |
circshift |
Shift array circularly |
shiftdim |
Shift dimensions |
reshape |
Reshape array |
squeeze |
Remove singleton dimensions |
colon |
Vector creation, array subscripting, and for-loop iteration |
end |
Terminate block of code, or indicate last array index |
ind2sub |
Subscripts from linear index |
sub2ind |
Convert subscripts to linear indices |
plus |
Addition |
uplus |
Unary plus |
minus |
Subtraction |
uminus |
Unary minus |
times |
Element-wise multiplication |
rdivide |
Right array division |
ldivide |
Left array division |
power |
Element-wise power |
mtimes |
Matrix Multiplication |
mrdivide |
Solve systems of linear equations xA = B for x |
mldivide |
Solve systems of linear equations Ax = B for x |
mpower |
Matrix power |
cumprod |
Cumulative product |
cumsum |
Cumulative sum |
diff |
Differences and Approximate Derivatives |
movsum |
Moving sum |
prod |
Product of array elements |
sum |
Sum of array elements |
ceil |
Round toward positive infinity |
fix |
Round toward zero |
floor |
Round toward negative infinity |
idivide |
Integer division with rounding option |
mod |
Remainder after division (modulo operation) |
rem |
Remainder after division |
round |
Round to nearest decimal or integer |
bsxfun |
Apply element-wise operation to two arrays with implicit expansion enabled |
eq |
Determine equality |
ge |
Determine greater than or equal to |
gt |
Determine greater than |
le |
Determine less than or equal to |
lt |
Determine less than |
ne |
Determine inequality |
isequal |
Determine array equality |
isequaln |
Determine array equality, treating NaN values as equal |
Logical Operators: Short-circuit |
Logical operations with short-circuiting |
and |
Find logical AND |
not |
Find logical NOT |
or |
Find logical OR |
xor |
Find logical exclusive-OR |
all |
Determine if all array elements are nonzero or true |
any |
Determine if any array elements are nonzero |
false |
Logical 0 (false) |
find |
Find indices and values of nonzero elements |
islogical |
Determine if input is logical array |
logical |
Convert numeric values to logicals |
true |
Logical 1 (true) |
intersect |
Set intersection of two arrays |
ismember |
Array elements that are members of set array |
ismembertol |
Members of set within tolerance |
issorted |
Determine if array is sorted |
setdiff |
Set difference of two arrays |
setxor |
Set exclusive OR of two arrays |
union |
Set union of two arrays |
unique |
Unique values in array |
uniquetol |
Unique values within tolerance |
join |
Combine strings, or merge two tables or timetables by rows using key variables |
innerjoin |
Inner join between two tables or timetables |
outerjoin |
Outer join between two tables or timetables |
bitand |
Bit-wise AND |
bitcmp |
Bit-wise complement |
bitget |
Get bit at specified position |
bitor |
Bit-wise OR |
bitset |
Set bit at specific location |
bitshift |
Shift bits specified number of places |
bitxor |
Bit-wise XOR |
swapbytes |
Swap byte ordering |
double |
Convert to double precision |
single |
Convert to single precision |
int8 |
Convert to 8-bit signed integer |
int16 |
Convert to 16-bit signed integer |
int32 |
Convert to 32-bit signed integer |
int64 |
Convert to 64-bit signed integer |
uint8 |
Convert to 8-bit unsigned integer |
uint16 |
Convert to 16-bit unsigned integer |
uint32 |
Convert to 32-bit unsigned integer |
uint64 |
Convert to 64-bit unsigned integer |
cast |
Cast variable to different data type |
typecast |
Convert data types without changing underlying data |
isinteger |
Determine if input is integer array |
isfloat |
Determine if input is floating-point array |
isnumeric |
Determine if input is numeric array |
isreal |
Determine whether array is real |
isfinite |
Array elements that are finite |
isinf |
Array elements that are infinite |
isnan |
Array elements that are NaN |
eps |
Floating-point relative accuracy |
flintmax |
Largest consecutive integer in floating-point format |
Inf |
Infinity |
intmax |
Largest value of specified integer type |
intmin |
Smallest value of specified integer type |
NaN |
Not-a-Number |
realmax |
Largest positive floating-point number |
realmin |
Smallest positive normalized floating-point number |
string |
Convert to string array |
strings |
Create array of strings with no characters |
join |
Combine strings, or merge two tables or timetables by rows using key variables |
char |
Convert to character array |
cellstr |
Convert to cell array of character vectors |
blanks |
Create character array of blanks |
newline |
Create newline character |
compose |
Convert data into formatted string array |
sprintf |
Format data into string |
strcat |
Concatenate strings horizontally |
ischar |
Determine if input is character array |
iscellstr |
Determine if input is cell array of character vectors |
isstring |
Determine if input is string array |
strlength |
Length of strings in string array |
isstrprop |
Determine if string is of specified category |
isletter |
Determine which character array elements are letters |
isspace |
Determine which character array elements are space characters |
contains |
Determine if pattern is in string |
count |
Count occurrences of pattern in string |
endsWith |
Determine if string ends with pattern |
startsWith |
Determine if string starts with pattern |
strfind |
Find one string within another |
sscanf |
Read formatted data from string |
replace |
Find and replace substrings in string array |
replaceBetween |
Replace substrings identified by indicators that mark their starts and ends |
strrep |
Find and replace substring |
join |
Combine strings, or merge two tables or timetables by rows using key variables |
split |
Split strings in string array, or split calendar duration into numeric and duration units |
splitlines |
Split string at newline characters |
strjoin |
Join text in array |
strsplit |
Split string at specified delimiter |
strtok |
Selected parts of string |
erase |
Delete substrings within strings |
eraseBetween |
Delete substrings between indicators that mark starts and ends of substrings |
extractAfter |
Extract substring after specified position |
extractBefore |
Extract substring before specified position |
extractBetween |
Extract substrings between indicators that mark starts and ends of substrings |
insertAfter |
Insert string after specified substring |
insertBefore |
Insert string before specified substring |
pad |
Add leading or trailing characters to strings |
strip |
Remove leading and trailing characters from string |
lower |
Convert string to lowercase |
upper |
Convert string to uppercase |
reverse |
Reverse order of characters in string |
deblank |
Remove trailing whitespace from end of string or character array |
strtrim |
Remove leading and trailing whitespace from string array or character array |
strjust |
Justify string or character array |
strcmp |
Compare strings |
strcmpi |
Compare strings (case insensitive) |
strncmp |
Compare first n characters of strings (case sensitive) |
strncmpi |
Compare first n characters of strings (case insensitive) |
regexp |
Match regular expression (case sensitive) |
regexpi |
Match regular expression (case insensitive) |
regexprep |
Replace text using regular expression |
regexptranslate |
Translate text into regular expression |
datetime |
Create array based on current date, or convert from date strings or numbers |
timezones |
List time zones |
years |
Duration in years |
days |
Duration in days |
hours |
Duration in hours |
minutes |
Duration in minutes |
seconds |
Duration in seconds |
milliseconds |
Duration in milliseconds |
duration |
Create duration array from numeric values |
calyears |
Calendar duration in years |
calquarters |
Calendar duration in quarters |
calmonths |
Calendar duration in months |
calweeks |
Calendar duration in weeks |
caldays |
Calendar duration in days |
calendarDuration |
Create calendar duration array from numeric values |
exceltime |
Convert MATLAB datetime to Excel date number |
juliandate |
Convert MATLAB datetime to Julian date |
posixtime |
Convert MATLAB datetime to POSIX time |
yyyymmdd |
Convert MATLAB datetime to YYYYMMDD numeric value |
year |
Year number |
quarter |
Quarter number |
month |
Month number and name |
week |
Week number |
day |
Day number or name |
hour |
Hour number |
minute |
Minute number |
second |
Second number |
ymd |
Year, month, and day numbers of datetime |
hms |
Hour, minute, and second numbers of duration |
split |
Split strings in string array, or split calendar duration into numeric and duration units |
time |
Convert time of calendar duration to duration |
timeofday |
Elapsed time since midnight for datetimes |
isdst |
Determine daylight saving time elements |
isweekend |
Determine weekend elements |
tzoffset |
Time zone offset from UTC |
between |
Calendar math differences |
caldiff |
Calendar math successive differences |
dateshift |
Shift date or generate sequence of dates and time |
isbetween |
Determine elements within date and time interval |
isdatetime |
Determine if input is datetime array |
isduration |
Determine if input is duration array |
iscalendarduration |
Determine if input is calendar duration array |
isnat |
Determine NaT (Not-a-Time) elements |
NaT |
Not-a-Time |
datenum |
Convert date and time to serial date number |
datevec |
Convert date and time to vector of components |
datestr |
Convert date and time to string format |
char |
Convert to character array |
cellstr |
Convert to cell array of character vectors |
string |
Convert to string array |
now |
Current date and time as serial date number |
clock |
Current date and time as date vector |
date |
Current date string |
calendar |
Calendar for specified month |
eomday |
Last day of month |
weekday |
Day of week |
addtodate |
Modify date number by field |
etime |
Time elapsed between date vectors |
categorical |
Create categorical array |
iscategorical |
Determine whether input is categorical array |
discretize |
Group data into bins or categories |
categories |
Categories of categorical array |
iscategory |
Test for categorical array categories |
isordinal |
Determine whether input is ordinal categorical array |
isprotected |
Determine whether categories of categorical array are protected |
addcats |
Add categories to categorical array |
mergecats |
Merge categories in categorical array |
removecats |
Remove categories from categorical array |
renamecats |
Rename categories in categorical array |
reordercats |
Reorder categories in categorical array |
setcats |
Set categories in categorical array |
summary |
Print summary of table, timetable, or categorical array |
countcats |
Count occurrences of categorical array elements by category |
isundefined |
Find undefined elements in categorical array |
table |
Create table from workspace variables |
array2table |
Convert homogeneous array to table |
cell2table |
Convert cell array to table |
struct2table |
Convert structure array to table |
table2array |
Convert table to homogeneous array |
table2cell |
Convert table to cell array |
table2struct |
Convert table to structure array |
readtable |
Create table from file |
writetable |
Write table to file |
detectImportOptions |
Create import options based on file content |
getvaropts |
Get variable import options |
setvaropts |
Set variable import options |
setvartype |
Set variable data types |
istable |
Determine whether input is table |
head |
Get top rows of table, timetable, or tall array |
tail |
Get bottom rows of table, timetable, or tall array |
height |
Number of table rows |
width |
Number of table variables |
summary |
Print summary of table, timetable, or categorical array |
intersect |
Set intersection of two arrays |
ismember |
Array elements that are members of set array |
setdiff |
Set difference of two arrays |
setxor |
Set exclusive OR of two arrays |
unique |
Unique values in array |
union |
Set union of two arrays |
join |
Combine strings, or merge two tables or timetables by rows using key variables |
innerjoin |
Inner join between two tables or timetables |
outerjoin |
Outer join between two tables or timetables |
sortrows |
Sort rows of matrix or table |
stack |
Stack data from multiple variables into single variable |
unstack |
Unstack data from single variable into multiple variables |
vartype |
Subscript into table or timetable by variable type |
ismissing |
Find missing values |
standardizeMissing |
Insert standard missing values |
rmmissing |
Remove missing entries |
fillmissing |
Fill missing values |
varfun |
Apply function to table or timetable variables |
rowfun |
Apply function to table or timetable rows |
findgroups |
Find groups and return group numbers |
splitapply |
Split data into groups and apply function |
timetable |
Create timetable from workspace variables |
retime |
Resample or aggregate data in timetable, and resolve duplicate or irregular times |
synchronize |
Synchronize timetables to common time vector, and resample or aggregate data from input timetables |
lag |
Time-shift data in timetable |
table2timetable |
Convert table to timetable |
array2timetable |
Convert array to timetable |
timetable2table |
Convert timetable to table |
istimetable |
Determine if input is timetable |
isregular |
Determine whether times in timetable are regular |
timerange |
Time range for timetable row subscripting |
withtol |
Time tolerance for timetable row subscripting |
vartype |
Subscript into table or timetable by variable type |
rmmissing |
Remove missing entries |
issorted |
Determine if array is sorted |
sortrows |
Sort rows of matrix or table |
unique |
Unique values in array |
struct |
Create structure array |
fieldnames |
Field names of structure, or public fields of COM or Java object |
getfield |
Field of structure array |
isfield |
Determine whether input is structure array field |
isstruct |
Determine whether input is structure array |
orderfields |
Order fields of structure array |
rmfield |
Remove fields from structure |
setfield |
Assign values to structure array field |
arrayfun |
Apply function to each element of array |
structfun |
Apply function to each field of scalar structure |
table2struct |
Convert table to structure array |
struct2table |
Convert structure array to table |
cell2struct |
Convert cell array to structure array |
struct2cell |
Convert structure to cell array |
cell |
Create cell array |
cell2mat |
Convert cell array to ordinary array of the underlying data type |
cell2struct |
Convert cell array to structure array |
cell2table |
Convert cell array to table |
celldisp |
Display cell array contents |
cellfun |
Apply function to each cell in cell array |
cellplot |
Graphically display structure of cell array |
cellstr |
Convert to cell array of character vectors |
iscell |
Determine whether input is cell array |
iscellstr |
Determine if input is cell array of character vectors |
mat2cell |
Convert array to cell array with potentially different sized cells |
num2cell |
Convert array to cell array with consistently sized cells |
strjoin |
Join text in array |
strsplit |
Split string at specified delimiter |
struct2cell |
Convert structure to cell array |
table2cell |
Convert table to cell array |
feval |
Evaluate function |
func2str |
Construct character vector from function handle |
str2func |
Construct function handle from character vector |
localfunctions |
Function handles to all local functions in MATLAB file |
functions |
Information about function handle |
containers.Map |
Map values to unique keys |
isKey |
Determine if containers.Map object contains key |
keys |
Identify keys of containers.Map object |
remove |
Remove key-value pairs from containers.Map object |
values |
Identify values in containers.Map object |
append |
Concatenate time series objects in time dimension |
get |
Query timeseries object property values |
getdatasamplesize |
Size of data sample in timeseries object |
getqualitydesc |
Data quality descriptions |
getsamples |
Subset of time series samples using subscripted index array |
plot |
Plot time series |
set |
Set properties of timeseries object |
tsdata.event |
Construct event object for timeseries object |
timeseries |
Create timeseries object |
addsample |
Add data sample to timeseries object |
delsample |
Remove sample from timeseries object |
detrend |
Subtract mean or best-fit line and all NaNs from timeseries object |
filter |
Shape frequency content of time-series |
getabstime |
Extract date-string time vector into cell array |
getdatasamples |
Returns subset of time series samples using subscripted index array |
getinterpmethod |
Interpolation method for timeseries object |
getsampleusingtime |
Extract data samples into new timeseries object |
idealfilter |
Apply ideal (noncausal) filter to timeseries object |
resample |
Select or interpolate timeseries data using new time vector |
setabstime |
Set times of timeseries object as date strings |
setinterpmethod |
Set default interpolation method for timeseries object |
setuniformtime |
Modify uniform time vector of timeseries object |
synchronize |
Synchronize and resample two timeseries objects using common time vector |
addevent |
Add event to timeseries object |
delevent |
Remove tsdata.event objects from timeseries object |
gettsafteratevent |
New timeseries object with samples occurring at or after event |
gettsafterevent |
New timeseries object with samples occurring after event |
gettsatevent |
New timeseries object with samples occurring at event |
gettsbeforeatevent |
New timeseries object with samples occurring before or at event |
gettsbeforeevent |
New timeseries object with samples occurring before event |
gettsbetweenevents |
New timeseries object with samples occurring between events |
iqr |
Interquartile range of timeseries data |
max |
Maximum value of timeseries data |
mean |
Mean value of timeseries data |
median |
Median value of timeseries data |
min |
Minimum value of timeseries data |
std |
Standard deviation of timeseries data |
sum |
Sum of timeseries data |
var |
Variance of timeseries data |
get (tscollection) |
Query tscollection object property values |
isempty (tscollection) |
Determine whether tscollection object is empty |
length (tscollection) |
Length of time vector |
plot |
Plot time series |
set (tscollection) |
Set properties of tscollection object |
size (tscollection) |
Size of tscollection object |
tscollection |
Create tscollection object |
addsampletocollection |
Add sample to tscollection object |
addts |
Add timeseries object to tscollection object |
delsamplefromcollection |
Remove sample from tscollection object |
getabstime (tscollection) |
Extract date-string time vector into cell array |
getsampleusingtime (tscollection) |
Extract data samples into new tscollection object |
gettimeseriesnames |
Cell array of names of timeseries objects in tscollection object |
horzcat (tscollection) |
Horizontal concatenation for tscollection objects |
removets |
Remove timeseries objects from tscollection object |
resample (tscollection) |
Select or interpolate data in tscollection using new time vector |
setabstime (tscollection) |
Set times of tscollection object as date strings |
settimeseriesnames |
Change name of timeseries object in tscollection |
vertcat (tscollection) |
Vertical concatenation for tscollection objects |
isa |
Determine if input is object of specified class |
iscalendarduration |
Determine if input is calendar duration array |
iscategorical |
Determine whether input is categorical array |
iscell |
Determine whether input is cell array |
iscellstr |
Determine if input is cell array of character vectors |
ischar |
Determine if input is character array |
isdatetime |
Determine if input is datetime array |
isduration |
Determine if input is duration array |
isfield |
Determine whether input is structure array field |
isfloat |
Determine if input is floating-point array |
isgraphics |
True for valid graphics object handles |
isinteger |
Determine if input is integer array |
isjava |
Determine if input is Java object |
islogical |
Determine if input is logical array |
isnumeric |
Determine if input is numeric array |
isobject |
Determine if input is MATLAB object |
isreal |
Determine whether array is real |
isenum |
Determine if variable is enumeration |
isstruct |
Determine whether input is structure array |
istable |
Determine whether input is table |
is* |
Detect state |
class |
Determine class of object |
validateattributes |
Check validity of array |
whos |
List variables in workspace, with sizes and types |
char |
Convert to character array |
cellstr |
Convert to cell array of character vectors |
int2str |
Convert integers to character array |
mat2str |
Convert matrix to character vector |
num2str |
Convert numbers to character array |
str2double |
Convert string to double precision value |
str2num |
Convert character array to numeric array |
native2unicode |
Convert numeric bytes to Unicode character representation |
unicode2native |
Convert Unicode character representation to numeric bytes |
base2dec |
Convert text representing number in base N to decimal number |
bin2dec |
Convert text representation of binary number to decimal number |
dec2base |
Convert decimal number to character vector representing base N number |
dec2bin |
Convert decimal number to character vector representing binary number |
dec2hex |
Convert decimal number to character vector representing hexadecimal number |
hex2dec |
Convert text representation of hexadecimal number to decimal number |
hex2num |
Convert IEEE hexadecimal string to double-precision number |
num2hex |
Convert singles and doubles to IEEE hexadecimal strings |
table2array |
Convert table to homogeneous array |
table2cell |
Convert table to cell array |
table2struct |
Convert table to structure array |
array2table |
Convert homogeneous array to table |
cell2table |
Convert cell array to table |
struct2table |
Convert structure array to table |
cell2mat |
Convert cell array to ordinary array of the underlying data type |
cell2struct |
Convert cell array to structure array |
mat2cell |
Convert array to cell array with potentially different sized cells |
num2cell |
Convert array to cell array with consistently sized cells |
struct2cell |
Convert structure to cell array |
plus |
Addition |
uplus |
Unary plus |
minus |
Subtraction |
uminus |
Unary minus |
times |
Element-wise multiplication |
rdivide |
Right array division |
ldivide |
Left array division |
power |
Element-wise power |
mtimes |
Matrix Multiplication |
mrdivide |
Solve systems of linear equations xA = B for x |
mldivide |
Solve systems of linear equations Ax = B for x |
mpower |
Matrix power |
cumprod |
Cumulative product |
cumsum |
Cumulative sum |
diff |
Differences and Approximate Derivatives |
movsum |
Moving sum |
prod |
Product of array elements |
sum |
Sum of array elements |
ceil |
Round toward positive infinity |
fix |
Round toward zero |
floor |
Round toward negative infinity |
idivide |
Integer division with rounding option |
mod |
Remainder after division (modulo operation) |
rem |
Remainder after division |
round |
Round to nearest decimal or integer |
bsxfun |
Apply element-wise operation to two arrays with implicit expansion enabled |
sin |
Sine of argument in radians |
sind |
Sine of argument in degrees |
asin |
Inverse sine in radians |
asind |
Inverse sine in degrees |
sinh |
Hyperbolic sine of argument in radians |
asinh |
Inverse hyperbolic sine |
cos |
Cosine of argument in radians |
cosd |
Cosine of argument in degrees |
acos |
Inverse cosine in radians |
acosd |
Inverse cosine in degrees |
cosh |
Hyperbolic cosine |
acosh |
Inverse hyperbolic cosine |
tan |
Tangent of argument in radians |
tand |
Tangent of argument in degrees |
atan |
Inverse tangent in radians |
atand |
Inverse tangent in degrees |
atan2 |
Four-quadrant inverse tangent |
atan2d |
Four-quadrant inverse tangent in degrees |
tanh |
Hyperbolic tangent |
atanh |
Inverse hyperbolic tangent |
csc |
Cosecant of input angle in radians |
cscd |
Cosecant of argument in degrees |
acsc |
Inverse cosecant in radians |
acscd |
Inverse cosecant in degrees |
csch |
Hyperbolic cosecant |
acsch |
Inverse hyperbolic cosecant |
sec |
Secant of angle in radians |
secd |
Secant of argument in degrees |
asec |
Inverse secant in radians |
asecd |
Inverse secant in degrees |
sech |
Hyperbolic secant |
asech |
Inverse hyperbolic secant |
cot |
Cotangent of angle in radians |
cotd |
Cotangent of argument in degrees |
acot |
Inverse cotangent in radians |
acotd |
Inverse cotangent in degrees |
coth |
Hyperbolic cotangent |
acoth |
Inverse hyperbolic cotangent |
hypot |
Square root of sum of squares (hypotenuse) |
deg2rad |
Convert angle from degrees to radians |
rad2deg |
Convert angle from radians to degrees |
exp |
Exponential |
expm1 |
Compute exp(x)-1 accurately for small values of x |
log |
Natural logarithm |
log10 |
Common logarithm (base 10) |
log1p |
Compute log(1+x) accurately for small values of x |
log2 |
Base 2 logarithm and dissect floating-point numbers into exponent and mantissa |
nextpow2 |
Exponent of next higher power of 2 |
nthroot |
Real nth root of real numbers |
pow2 |
Base 2 power and scale floating-point numbers |
reallog |
Natural logarithm for nonnegative real arrays |
realpow |
Array power for real-only output |
realsqrt |
Square root for nonnegative real arrays |
sqrt |
Square root |
abs |
Absolute value and complex magnitude |
angle |
Phase angle |
complex |
Create complex array |
conj |
Complex conjugate |
cplxpair |
Sort complex numbers into complex conjugate pairs |
i |
Imaginary unit |
imag |
Imaginary part of complex number |
isreal |
Determine whether array is real |
j |
Imaginary unit |
real |
Real part of complex number |
sign |
Sign function (signum function) |
unwrap |
Correct phase angles to produce smoother phase plots |
factor |
Prime factors |
factorial |
Factorial of input |
gcd |
Greatest common divisor |
isprime |
Determine which array elements are prime |
lcm |
Least common multiple |
nchoosek |
Binomial coefficient or all combinations |
perms |
All possible permutations |
primes |
Prime numbers less than or equal to input value |
rat |
Rational fraction approximation |
rats |
Rational output |
poly |
Polynomial with specified roots or characteristic polynomial |
polyeig |
Polynomial eigenvalue problem |
polyfit |
Polynomial curve fitting |
residue |
Partial fraction expansion (partial fraction decomposition) |
roots |
Polynomial roots |
polyval |
Polynomial evaluation |
polyvalm |
Matrix polynomial evaluation |
conv |
Convolution and polynomial multiplication |
deconv |
Deconvolution and polynomial division |
polyint |
Polynomial integration |
polyder |
Polynomial differentiation |
airy |
Airy Functions |
besselh |
Bessel function of third kind (Hankel function) |
besseli |
Modified Bessel function of first kind |
besselj |
Bessel function of first kind |
besselk |
Modified Bessel function of second kind |
bessely |
Bessel function of second kind |
beta |
Beta function |
betainc |
Incomplete beta function |
betaincinv |
Beta inverse cumulative distribution function |
betaln |
Logarithm of beta function |
ellipj |
Jacobi elliptic functions |
ellipke |
Complete elliptic integrals of first and second kind |
erf |
Error function |
erfc |
Complementary error function |
erfcinv |
Inverse complementary error function |
erfcx |
Scaled complementary error function |
erfinv |
Inverse error function |
expint |
Exponential integral |
gamma |
Gamma function |
gammainc |
Incomplete gamma function |
gammaincinv |
Inverse incomplete gamma function |
gammaln |
Logarithm of gamma function |
legendre |
Associated Legendre functions |
psi |
Psi (polygamma) function |
cart2pol |
Transform Cartesian coordinates to polar or cylindrical |
cart2sph |
Transform Cartesian coordinates to spherical |
pol2cart |
Transform polar or cylindrical coordinates to Cartesian |
sph2cart |
Transform spherical coordinates to Cartesian |
eps |
Floating-point relative accuracy |
flintmax |
Largest consecutive integer in floating-point format |
i |
Imaginary unit |
j |
Imaginary unit |
Inf |
Infinity |
pi |
Ratio of circle's circumference to its diameter |
NaN |
Not-a-Number |
isfinite |
Array elements that are finite |
isinf |
Array elements that are infinite |
isnan |
Array elements that are NaN |
compan |
Companion matrix |
gallery |
Test matrices |
hadamard |
Hadamard matrix |
hankel |
Hankel matrix |
hilb |
Hilbert matrix |
invhilb |
Inverse of Hilbert matrix |
magic |
Magic square |
pascal |
Pascal matrix |
rosser |
Classic symmetric eigenvalue test problem |
toeplitz |
Toeplitz matrix |
vander |
Vandermonde matrix |
wilkinson |
Wilkinson's eigenvalue test matrix |
mldivide |
Solve systems of linear equations Ax = B for x |
mrdivide |
Solve systems of linear equations xA = B for x |
linsolve |
Solve linear system of equations |
inv |
Matrix inverse |
pinv |
Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse of matrix |
lscov |
Least-squares solution in presence of known covariance |
lsqnonneg |
Solve nonnegative linear least-squares problem |
sylvester |
Solve Sylvester equation AX + XB = C for X |
eig |
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors |
eigs |
Subset of eigenvalues and eigenvectors |
balance |
Diagonal scaling to improve eigenvalue accuracy |
svd |
Singular value decomposition |
svds |
Subset of singular values and vectors |
gsvd |
Generalized singular value decomposition |
ordeig |
Eigenvalues of quasitriangular matrices |
ordqz |
Reorder eigenvalues in QZ factorization |
ordschur |
Reorder eigenvalues in Schur factorization |
polyeig |
Polynomial eigenvalue problem |
qz |
QZ factorization for generalized eigenvalues |
hess |
Hessenberg form of matrix |
schur |
Schur decomposition |
rsf2csf |
Convert real Schur form to complex Schur form |
cdf2rdf |
Convert complex diagonal form to real block diagonal form |
lu |
LU matrix factorization |
ldl |
Block LDL' factorization for Hermitian indefinite matrices |
chol |
Cholesky factorization |
cholupdate |
Rank 1 update to Cholesky factorization |
qr |
Orthogonal-triangular decomposition |
qrdelete |
Remove column or row from QR factorization |
qrinsert |
Insert column or row into QR factorization |
qrupdate |
Rank 1 update to QR factorization |
planerot |
Givens plane rotation |
transpose |
Transpose vector or matrix |
ctranspose |
Complex conjugate transpose |
mtimes |
Matrix Multiplication |
mpower |
Matrix power |
sqrtm |
Matrix square root |
expm |
Matrix exponential |
logm |
Matrix logarithm |
funm |
Evaluate general matrix function |
kron |
Kronecker tensor product |
cross |
Cross product |
dot |
Dot product |
bandwidth |
Lower and upper matrix bandwidth |
tril |
Lower triangular part of matrix |
triu |
Upper triangular part of matrix |
isbanded |
Determine if matrix is within specific bandwidth |
isdiag |
Determine if matrix is diagonal |
ishermitian |
Determine if matrix is Hermitian or skew-Hermitian |
issymmetric |
Determine if matrix is symmetric or skew-symmetric |
istril |
Determine if matrix is lower triangular |
istriu |
Determine if matrix is upper triangular |
norm |
Vector and matrix norms |
normest |
2-norm estimate |
cond |
Condition number with respect to inversion |
condest |
1-norm condition number estimate |
rcond |
Reciprocal condition number |
condeig |
Condition number with respect to eigenvalues |
det |
Matrix determinant |
null |
Null space |
orth |
Orthonormal basis for range of matrix |
rank |
Rank of matrix |
rref |
Reduced row echelon form (Gauss-Jordan elimination) |
trace |
Sum of diagonal elements |
subspace |
Angle between two subspaces |
rand |
Uniformly distributed random numbers |
randn |
Normally distributed random numbers |
randi |
Uniformly distributed pseudorandom integers |
randperm |
Random permutation |
rng |
Control random number generation |
RandStream |
Random number stream |
interp1 |
1-D data interpolation (table lookup) |
interp2 |
Interpolation for 2-D gridded data in meshgrid format |
interp3 |
Interpolation for 3-D gridded data in meshgrid format |
interpn |
Interpolation for 1-D, 2-D, 3-D, and N-D gridded data in ndgrid format |
griddedInterpolant |
Gridded data interpolation |
pchip |
Piecewise Cubic Hermite Interpolating Polynomial (PCHIP) |
spline |
Cubic spline data interpolation |
ppval |
Evaluate piecewise polynomial |
mkpp |
Make piecewise polynomial |
unmkpp |
Extract piecewise polynomial details |
padecoef |
Padé approximation of time delays |
interpft |
1-D interpolation (FFT method) |
ndgrid |
Rectangular grid in N-D space |
meshgrid |
2-D and 3-D grids |
griddata |
Interpolate 2-D or 3-D scattered data |
griddatan |
Interpolate N-D scattered data |
scatteredInterpolant |
Interpolate 2-D or 3-D scattered data |
fminbnd |
Find minimum of single-variable function on fixed interval |
fminsearch |
Find minimum of unconstrained multivariable function using derivative-free method |
lsqnonneg |
Solve nonnegative linear least-squares problem |
fzero |
Root of nonlinear function |
optimget |
Optimization options values |
optimset |
Create or edit optimization options structure |
ode45 |
Solve nonstiff differential equations — medium order method |
ode23 |
Solve nonstiff differential equations — low order method |
ode113 |
Solve nonstiff differential equations — variable order method |
ode15s |
Solve stiff differential equations and DAEs — variable order method |
ode23s |
Solve stiff differential equations — low order method |
ode23t |
Solve moderately stiff ODEs and DAEs — trapezoidal rule |
ode23tb |
Solve stiff differential equations — trapezoidal rule + backward differentiation formula |
ode15i |
Solve fully implicit differential equations — variable order method |
decic |
Compute consistent initial conditions for ode15i |
odeget |
Extract ODE option values |
odeset |
Create or modify options structure for ODE solvers |
deval |
Evaluate differential equation solution structure |
odextend |
Extend solution to ODE |
bvp4c |
Solve boundary value problems for ordinary differential equations |
bvp5c |
Solve boundary value problems for ordinary differential equations |
bvpinit |
Form initial guess for BVP solvers |
bvpxtend |
Form guess structure for extending boundary value solutions |
bvpget |
Extract properties from options structure created with bvpset |
bvpset |
Create or alter options structure of boundary value problem |
deval |
Evaluate differential equation solution structure |
dde23 |
Solve delay differential equations (DDEs) with constant delays |
ddesd |
Solve delay differential equations (DDEs) with general delays |
ddensd |
Solve delay differential equations (DDEs) of neutral type |
ddeget |
Extract properties from delay differential equations options structure |
ddeset |
Create or alter delay differential equations options structure |
deval |
Evaluate differential equation solution structure |
pdepe |
Solve initial-boundary value problems for parabolic-elliptic PDEs in 1-D |
pdeval |
Evaluate numerical solution of PDE using output of pdepe |
integral |
Numerical integration |
integral2 |
Numerically evaluate double integral |
integral3 |
Numerically evaluate triple integral |
quadgk |
Numerically evaluate integral, adaptive Gauss-Kronrod quadrature |
quad2d |
Numerically evaluate double integral, tiled method |
cumtrapz |
Cumulative trapezoidal numerical integration |
trapz |
Trapezoidal numerical integration |
polyint |
Polynomial integration |
del2 |
Discrete Laplacian |
diff |
Differences and Approximate Derivatives |
gradient |
Numerical gradient |
polyder |
Polynomial differentiation |
fft |
Fast Fourier transform |
fft2 |
2-D fast Fourier transform |
fftn |
N-D fast Fourier transform |
fftshift |
Shift zero-frequency component to center of spectrum |
fftw |
Define method for determining FFT algorithm |
ifft |
Inverse fast Fourier transform |
ifft2 |
2-D inverse fast Fourier transform |
ifftn |
Multidimensional inverse fast Fourier transform |
ifftshift |
Inverse zero-frequency shift |
nextpow2 |
Exponent of next higher power of 2 |
interpft |
1-D interpolation (FFT method) |
conv |
Convolution and polynomial multiplication |
conv2 |
2-D convolution |
convn |
N-D convolution |
deconv |
Deconvolution and polynomial division |
filter |
1-D digital filter |
filter2 |
2-D digital filter |
ss2tf |
Convert state-space representation to transfer function |
padecoef |
Padé approximation of time delays |
spalloc |
Allocate space for sparse matrix |
spdiags |
Extract and create sparse band and diagonal matrices |
speye |
Sparse identity matrix |
sprand |
Sparse uniformly distributed random matrix |
sprandn |
Sparse normally distributed random matrix |
sprandsym |
Sparse symmetric random matrix |
sparse |
Create sparse matrix |
spconvert |
Import from sparse matrix external format |
issparse |
Determine whether input is sparse |
nnz |
Number of nonzero matrix elements |
nonzeros |
Nonzero matrix elements |
nzmax |
Amount of storage allocated for nonzero matrix elements |
spfun |
Apply function to nonzero sparse matrix elements |
spones |
Replace nonzero sparse matrix elements with ones |
spparms |
Set parameters for sparse matrix routines |
spy |
Visualize sparsity pattern |
find |
Find indices and values of nonzero elements |
full |
Convert sparse matrix to full matrix |
amd |
Approximate minimum degree permutation |
colamd |
Column approximate minimum degree permutation |
colperm |
Sparse column permutation based on nonzero count |
dmperm |
Dulmage-Mendelsohn decomposition |
randperm |
Random permutation |
symamd |
Symmetric approximate minimum degree permutation |
symrcm |
Sparse reverse Cuthill-McKee ordering |
pcg |
Preconditioned conjugate gradients method |
minres |
Minimum residual method |
symmlq |
Symmetric LQ method |
gmres |
Generalized minimum residual method (with restarts) |
bicg |
Biconjugate gradients method |
bicgstab |
Biconjugate gradients stabilized method |
bicgstabl |
Biconjugate gradients stabilized (l) method |
cgs |
Conjugate gradients squared method |
qmr |
Quasi-minimal residual method |
tfqmr |
Transpose-free quasi-minimal residual method |
lsqr |
LSQR method |
ichol |
Incomplete Cholesky factorization |
ilu |
Incomplete LU factorization |
eigs |
Subset of eigenvalues and eigenvectors |
svds |
Subset of singular values and vectors |
normest |
2-norm estimate |
condest |
1-norm condition number estimate |
sprank |
Structural rank |
etree |
Elimination tree |
symbfact |
Symbolic factorization analysis |
spaugment |
Form least squares augmented system |
dmperm |
Dulmage-Mendelsohn decomposition |
etreeplot |
Plot elimination tree |
treelayout |
Lay out tree or forest |
treeplot |
Plot picture of tree |
gplot |
Plot nodes and links representing adjacency matrix |
unmesh |
Convert edge matrix to coordinate and Laplacian matrices |
graph |
Create undirected graph |
digraph |
Create directed graph |
addnode |
Add new node to graph |
rmnode |
Remove node from graph |
addedge |
Add new edge to graph |
rmedge |
Remove edge from graph |
flipedge |
Reverse edge directions |
numnodes |
Number of nodes in graph |
numedges |
Number of edges in graph |
findnode |
Locate node in graph |
findedge |
Locate edge in graph |
reordernodes |
Reorder graph nodes |
subgraph |
Extract subgraph |
bfsearch |
Breadth-first graph search |
dfsearch |
Depth-first graph search |
centrality |
Measure node importance |
maxflow |
Maximum flow in graph |
conncomp |
Connected graph components |
biconncomp |
Biconnected graph components |
condensation |
Graph condensation |
bctree |
Block-cut tree graph |
minspantree |
Minimum spanning tree of graph |
toposort |
Topological order of directed acyclic graph |
isdag |
Determine if graph is acyclic |
transclosure |
Transitive closure |
transreduction |
Transitive reduction |
isisomorphic |
Determine whether two graphs are isomorphic |
isomorphism |
Compute equivalence relation between two graphs |
shortestpath |
Shortest path between two single nodes |
shortestpathtree |
Shortest path tree from node |
distances |
Shortest path distances of all node pairs |
adjacency |
Graph adjacency matrix |
incidence |
Graph incidence matrix |
laplacian |
Graph Laplacian matrix |
degree |
Degree of graph nodes |
neighbors |
Neighbors of graph node |
nearest |
Nearest neighbors within radius |
indegree |
In-degree of nodes |
outdegree |
Out-degree of nodes |
predecessors |
Node predecessors |
successors |
Node successors |
plot |
Graph plot |
labeledge |
Label graph edges |
labelnode |
Label graph nodes |
layout |
Change layout of graph plot |
highlight |
Highlight nodes and edges in plotted graph |
graph |
Graph with undirected edges |
digraph |
Graph with directed edges |
GraphPlot |
Graph plot for directed and undirected graphs |
triangulation |
Triangulation in 2-D or 3-D |
tetramesh |
Tetrahedron mesh plot |
trimesh |
Triangular mesh plot |
triplot |
2-D triangular plot |
trisurf |
Triangular surface plot |
delaunayTriangulation |
Delaunay triangulation in 2-D and 3-D |
delaunay |
Delaunay triangulation |
delaunayn |
N-D Delaunay triangulation |
tetramesh |
Tetrahedron mesh plot |
trimesh |
Triangular mesh plot |
triplot |
2-D triangular plot |
trisurf |
Triangular surface plot |
triangulation |
Triangulation in 2-D or 3-D |
delaunayTriangulation |
Delaunay triangulation in 2-D and 3-D |
dsearchn |
N-D nearest point search |
tsearchn |
N-D closest simplex search |
delaunay |
Delaunay triangulation |
delaunayn |
N-D Delaunay triangulation |
boundary |
Boundary of a set of points in 2-D or 3-D |
alphaShape |
Polygons and polyhedra from points in 2-D and 3-D |
convhull |
Convex hull |
convhulln |
N-D convex hull |
alphaShape |
Polygons and polyhedra from points in 2-D and 3-D |
patch |
Create one or more filled polygons |
voronoi |
Voronoi diagram |
voronoin |
N-D Voronoi diagram |
polyarea |
Area of polygon |
inpolygon |
Points located inside or on edge of polygonal region |
rectint |
Rectangle intersection area |
plot |
2-D line plot |
plot3 |
3-D line plot |
loglog |
Log-log scale plot |
semilogx |
Semilogarithmic plot |
semilogy |
Semilogarithmic plot |
errorbar |
Line plot with error bars |
fplot |
Plot expression or function |
fplot3 |
3-D parametric curve plotter |
fimplicit |
Plot implicit function |
LineSpec (Line Specification) |
Line specification |
ColorSpec (Color Specification) |
Color specification |
bar |
Bar graph |
bar3 |
Plot 3-D bar graph |
barh |
Plot bar graph horizontally |
bar3h |
Plot horizontal 3-D bar graph |
histogram |
Histogram plot |
histcounts |
Histogram bin counts |
histogram2 |
Bivariate histogram plot |
histcounts2 |
Bivariate histogram bin counts |
rose |
Angle histogram plot |
pareto |
Pareto chart |
area |
Filled area 2-D plot |
pie |
Pie chart |
pie3 |
3-D pie chart |
histogram |
Histogram bar plot for numeric data |
histogram2 |
Histogram bar plot for bivariate data |
stem |
Plot discrete sequence data |
stairs |
Stairstep graph |
stem3 |
Plot 3-D discrete sequence data |
scatter |
Scatter plot |
scatter3 |
3-D scatter plot |
spy |
Visualize sparsity pattern |
plotmatrix |
Scatter plot matrix |
heatmap |
Create heatmap chart |
polarplot |
Plot line in polar coordinates |
polarscatter |
Scatter chart in polar coordinates |
polarhistogram |
Histogram chart in polar coordinates |
compass |
Plot arrows emanating from origin |
ezpolar |
Easy-to-use polar coordinate plotter |
rlim |
Set or query r-axis limits for polar axes |
thetalim |
Set or query theta-axis limits for polar axes |
rticks |
Set or query r-axis tick values |
thetaticks |
Set or query theta-axis tick values |
rticklabels |
Set or query r-axis tick labels |
thetaticklabels |
Set or query theta-axis tick labels |
rtickformat |
Specify r-axis tick label format |
thetatickformat |
Specify theta-axis tick label format |
rtickangle |
Rotate r-axis tick labels |
polaraxes |
Create polar axes |
contour |
Contour plot of matrix |
contourf |
Filled 2-D contour plot |
contourc |
Low-level contour plot computation |
contour3 |
3-D contour plot |
contourslice |
Draw contours in volume slice planes |
clabel |
Label contour plot elevation |
fcontour |
Plot contours |
feather |
Plot velocity vectors |
quiver |
Quiver or velocity plot |
compass |
Plot arrows emanating from origin |
quiver3 |
3-D quiver or velocity plot |
streamslice |
Plot streamlines in slice planes |
streamline |
Plot streamlines from 2-D or 3-D vector data |
surf |
Surface plot |
surfc |
Contour plot under a 3-D shaded surface plot |
surface |
Create surface object |
surfl |
Surface plot with colormap-based lighting |
surfnorm |
Compute and display 3-D surface normals |
mesh |
Mesh plot |
meshc |
Plot a contour graph under mesh graph |
meshz |
Plot a curtain around mesh plot |
hidden |
Remove hidden lines from mesh plot |
fsurf |
Plot 3-D surface |
fmesh |
Plot 3-D mesh |
fimplicit3 |
Plot 3-D implicit function |
waterfall |
Waterfall plot |
ribbon |
Ribbon plot |
contour3 |
3-D contour plot |
peaks |
Example function of two variables |
cylinder |
Generate cylinder |
ellipsoid |
Generate ellipsoid |
sphere |
Generate sphere |
pcolor |
Pseudocolor (checkerboard) plot |
surf2patch |
Convert surface data to patch data |
contourslice |
Draw contours in volume slice planes |
flow |
Simple function of three variables |
isocaps |
Compute isosurface end-cap geometry |
isocolors |
Calculate isosurface and patch colors |
isonormals |
Compute normals of isosurface vertices |
isosurface |
Extract isosurface data from volume data |
reducepatch |
Reduce number of patch faces |
reducevolume |
Reduce number of elements in volume data set |
shrinkfaces |
Reduce size of patch faces |
slice |
Volumetric slice plot |
smooth3 |
Smooth 3-D data |
subvolume |
Extract subset of volume data set |
volumebounds |
Coordinate and color limits for volume data |
coneplot |
Plot velocity vectors as cones in 3-D vector field |
curl |
Compute curl and angular velocity of vector field |
divergence |
Compute divergence of vector field |
interpstreamspeed |
Interpolate stream-line vertices from flow speed |
stream2 |
Compute 2-D streamline data |
stream3 |
Compute 3-D streamline data |
streamline |
Plot streamlines from 2-D or 3-D vector data |
streamparticles |
Plot stream particles |
streamribbon |
3-D stream ribbon plot from vector volume data |
streamslice |
Plot streamlines in slice planes |
streamtube |
Create 3-D stream tube plot |
fill |
Filled 2-D polygons |
fill3 |
Filled 3-D polygons |
patch |
Create one or more filled polygons |
surf2patch |
Convert surface data to patch data |
movie |
Play recorded movie frames |
getframe |
Capture axes or figure as movie frame |
frame2im |
Return image data associated with movie frame |
im2frame |
Convert image to movie frame |
animatedline |
Create animated line |
comet |
2-D comet plot |
comet3 |
3-D comet plot |
drawnow |
Update figures and process callbacks |
refreshdata |
Refresh data in graph when data source is specified |
AnimatedLine |
Line animations |
title |
Add title |
xlabel |
Label x-axis |
ylabel |
Label y-axis |
zlabel |
Label z-axis |
clabel |
Label contour plot elevation |
legend |
Add legend to axes |
colorbar |
Colorbar showing color scale |
text |
Add text descriptions to data points |
texlabel |
Format text with TeX characters |
gtext |
Add text to figure using mouse |
line |
Create primitive line |
rectangle |
Create rectangle with sharp or curved corners |
annotation |
Create annotations |
xlim |
Set or query x-axis limits |
ylim |
Set or query y-axis limits |
zlim |
Set or query z-axis limits |
axis |
Set axis limits and aspect ratios |
box |
Display axes outline |
daspect |
Control data unit length along each axis |
pbaspect |
Control relative lengths of each axis |
grid |
Display or hide axes grid lines |
xticks |
Set or query x-axis tick values |
yticks |
Set or query y-axis tick values |
zticks |
Set or query z-axis tick values |
xticklabels |
Set or query x-axis tick labels |
yticklabels |
Set or query y-axis tick labels |
zticklabels |
Set or query z-axis tick labels |
xtickformat |
Specify x-axis tick label format |
ytickformat |
Specify y-axis tick label format |
ztickformat |
Specify z-axis tick label format |
xtickangle |
Rotate x-axis tick labels |
ytickangle |
Rotate y-axis tick labels |
ztickangle |
Rotate z-axis tick labels |
datetick |
Date formatted tick labels |
ruler2num |
Convert data from specific ruler to numeric data |
num2ruler |
Convert numeric data for use with specific ruler |
hold |
Retain current plot when adding new plots |
subplot |
Create axes in tiled positions |
yyaxis |
Create chart with two y-axes |
cla |
Clear axes |
axes |
Create Cartesian axes |
figure |
Create figure window |
colormap |
View and set current colormap |
colorbar |
Colorbar showing color scale |
rgbplot |
Plot colormap |
colormapeditor |
Open colormap editor |
brighten |
Brighten or darken colormap |
contrast |
Grayscale colormap for contrast enhancement |
caxis |
Color axis scaling |
spinmap |
Spin colormap |
hsv2rgb |
Convert HSV colormap to RGB colormap |
rgb2hsv |
Convert RGB colormap to HSV colormap |
parula |
Parula colormap array |
jet |
Jet colormap array |
hsv |
HSV colormap array |
hot |
Hot colormap array |
cool |
Cool colormap array |
spring |
Spring colormap array |
summer |
Summer colormap array |
autumn |
Autumn colormap array |
winter |
Winter colormap array |
gray |
Gray colormap array |
bone |
Bone colormap array |
copper |
Copper colormap array |
pink |
Pink colormap array |
lines |
Lines colormap array |
colorcube |
Colorcube colormap array |
prism |
Prism colormap array |
flag |
Flag colormap array |
view |
Viewpoint specification |
makehgtform |
Create 4-by-4 transform matrix |
viewmtx |
View transformation matrices |
cameratoolbar |
Control camera toolbar programmatically |
campan |
Rotate camera target around camera position |
camzoom |
Zoom in and out on scene |
camdolly |
Move camera position and target |
camlookat |
Position camera to view object or group of objects |
camorbit |
Rotate camera position around camera target |
campos |
Set or query camera position |
camproj |
Set or query projection type |
camroll |
Rotate camera about view axis |
camtarget |
Set or query location of camera target |
camup |
Set or query camera up vector |
camva |
Set or query camera view angle |
camlight |
Create or move light object in camera coordinates |
light |
Create light |
lightangle |
Create or position light object in spherical coordinates |
lighting |
Specify lighting algorithm |
shading |
Set color shading properties |
diffuse |
Calculate diffuse reflectance |
material |
Control reflectance properties of surfaces and patches |
specular |
Calculate specular reflectance |
alim |
Set or query axes alpha limits |
alpha |
Add transparency to objects in axes |
alphamap |
Specify figure alphamap (transparency) |
imshow |
Display image |
image |
Display image from array |
imagesc |
Display image with scaled colors |
imread |
Read image from graphics file |
imwrite |
Write image to graphics file |
imfinfo |
Information about graphics file |
imformats |
Manage image file format registry |
frame2im |
Return image data associated with movie frame |
im2frame |
Convert image to movie frame |
im2java |
Convert image to Java image |
im2double |
Convert image to double precision |
ind2rgb |
Convert indexed image to RGB image |
rgb2gray |
Convert RGB image or colormap to grayscale |
rgb2ind |
Convert RGB image to indexed image |
imapprox |
Approximate indexed image by reducing number of colors |
dither |
Convert image, increasing apparent color resolution by dithering |
cmpermute |
Rearrange colors in colormap |
cmunique |
Eliminate duplicate colors in colormap; convert grayscale or truecolor image to indexed image |
print |
Print figure or save to specific file format |
saveas |
Save figure to specific file format |
getframe |
Capture axes or figure as movie frame |
savefig |
Save figure and contents to FIG-file |
openfig |
Open figure saved in FIG-file |
orient |
Paper orientation for printing or saving |
hgexport |
Export figure |
printopt |
Configure printer defaults |
get |
Query graphics object properties |
set |
Set graphics object properties |
reset |
Reset graphics object properties to their defaults |
inspect |
Open Property Inspector |
gca |
Current axes or chart |
gcf |
Current figure handle |
gcbf |
Handle of figure containing object whose callback is executing |
gcbo |
Handle of object whose callback is executing |
gco |
Handle of current object |
groot |
Graphics root object |
ancestor |
Ancestor of graphics object |
allchild |
Find all children of specified objects |
findall |
Find all graphics objects |
findobj |
Locate graphics objects with specific properties |
findfigs |
Find visible offscreen figures |
gobjects |
Initialize array for graphics objects |
isgraphics |
True for valid graphics object handles |
ishandle |
Test for valid graphics or Java object handle |
copyobj |
Copy graphics objects and their descendants |
delete |
Delete files or objects |
gobjects |
Initialize array for graphics objects |
isgraphics |
True for valid graphics object handles |
isempty |
Determine whether array is empty |
isequal |
Determine array equality |
isa |
Determine if input is object of specified class |
clf |
Clear current figure window |
cla |
Clear axes |
close |
Remove specified figure |
uicontextmenu |
Create context menu |
uimenu |
Create menus and menu items on figure windows |
dragrect |
Drag rectangles with mouse |
rbbox |
Create rubberband box for area selection |
refresh |
Redraw current figure |
shg |
Show most recent graph window |
hggroup |
Create group object |
hgtransform |
Create transform object |
makehgtform |
Create 4-by-4 transform matrix |
eye |
Identity matrix |
hold |
Retain current plot when adding new plots |
ishold |
Current hold state |
newplot |
Determine where to draw graphics objects |
clf |
Clear current figure window |
cla |
Clear axes |
drawnow |
Update figures and process callbacks |
opengl |
Control OpenGL rendering |
readtable |
Create table from file |
detectImportOptions |
Create import options based on file content |
writetable |
Write table to file |
textscan |
Read formatted data from text file or string |
dlmread |
Read ASCII-delimited file of numeric data into matrix |
dlmwrite |
Write matrix to ASCII-delimited file |
csvread |
Read comma-separated value (CSV) file |
csvwrite |
Write comma-separated value file |
type |
Display contents of file |
DelimitedTextImportOptions |
Import options object for delimited text |
FixedWidthImportOptions |
Import options object for fixed-width text files |
readtable |
Create table from file |
detectImportOptions |
Create import options based on file content |
writetable |
Write table to file |
xlsfinfo |
Determine if file contains Microsoft Excel spreadsheet |
xlsread |
Read Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file |
xlswrite |
Write Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file |
importdata |
Load data from file |
SpreadsheetImportOptions |
Import options object for Spreadsheets |
im2java |
Convert image to Java image |
imfinfo |
Information about graphics file |
imread |
Read image from graphics file |
imwrite |
Write image to graphics file |
Tiff |
MATLAB Gateway to LibTIFF library routines |
nccreate |
Create variable in NetCDF file |
ncdisp |
Display contents of NetCDF data source in Command Window |
ncinfo |
Return information about NetCDF data source |
ncread |
Read data from variable in NetCDF data source |
ncreadatt |
Read attribute value from NetCDF data source |
ncwrite |
Write data to NetCDF file |
ncwriteatt |
Write attribute to NetCDF file |
ncwriteschema |
Add NetCDF schema definitions to NetCDF file |
h5create |
Create HDF5 data set |
h5disp |
Display contents of HDF5 file |
h5info |
Return information about HDF5 file |
h5read |
Read data from HDF5 data set |
h5readatt |
Read attribute from HDF5 file |
h5write |
Write to HDF5 data set |
h5writeatt |
Write HDF5 attribute |
H5.close |
Close HDF5 library |
H5.garbage_collect |
Free unused memory in HDF5 library |
H5.get_libversion |
Version of HDF5 library | |
Open HDF5 library |
H5.set_free_list_limits |
Set size limits on free lists |
H5A.close |
Close specified attribute |
H5A.create |
Create attribute |
H5A.delete |
Delete attribute |
H5A.get_info |
Information about attribute |
H5A.get_name |
Attribute name |
H5A.get_space |
Copy of attribute data space |
H5A.get_type |
Copy of attribute data type |
H5A.iterate |
Execute function for attributes attached to object | |
Open attribute |
H5A.open_by_idx |
Open attribute specified by index |
H5A.open_by_name |
Open attribute specified by name | |
Read attribute |
H5A.write |
Write attribute |
H5D.close |
Close dataset |
H5D.create |
Create new dataset |
H5D.get_access_plist |
Copy of dataset access property list |
H5D.get_create_plist |
Copy of dataset creation property list |
H5D.get_offset |
Location of dataset in file |
H5D.get_space |
Copy of dataset data space |
H5D.get_space_status |
Determine if space is allocated |
H5D.get_storage_size |
Determine required storage size |
H5D.get_type |
Copy of datatype | |
Open specified dataset | |
Read data from HDF5 dataset |
H5D.set_extent |
Change size of dataset dimensions |
H5D.vlen_get_buf_size |
Determine variable length storage requirements |
H5D.write |
Write data to HDF5 dataset |
H5DS.attach_scale |
Attach dimension scale to specific dataset dimension |
H5DS.detach_scale |
Detach dimension scale from specific dataset dimension |
H5DS.get_label |
Retrieve label from specific dataset dimension |
H5DS.get_num_scales |
Number of scales attached to dataset dimension |
H5DS.get_scale_name |
Name of dimension scale |
H5DS.is_scale |
Determine if dataset is a dimension scale |
H5DS.iterate_scales |
Iterate on scales attached to dataset dimension |
H5DS.set_label |
Set label for dataset dimension |
H5DS.set_scale |
Convert dataset to dimension scale |
H5E.clear |
Clear error stack |
H5E.get_major |
Description of major error number |
H5E.get_minor |
Description of minor error number |
H5E.walk |
Walk error stack |
H5F.close |
Close HDF5 file |
H5F.create |
Create HDF5 file |
H5F.flush |
Flush buffers to disk |
H5F.get_access_plist |
File access property list |
H5F.get_create_plist |
File creation property list |
H5F.get_filesize |
Size of HDF5 file |
H5F.get_freespace |
Amount of free space in file |
H5F.get_info |
Global information about file |
H5F.get_mdc_config |
Metadata cache configuration |
H5F.get_mdc_hit_rate |
Metadata cache hit-rate |
H5F.get_mdc_size |
Metadata cache size data |
H5F.get_name |
Name of HDF5 file |
H5F.get_obj_count |
Number of open objects in HDF5 file |
H5F.get_obj_ids |
List of open HDF5 file objects |
H5F.is_hdf5 |
Determine if file is HDF5 |
H5F.mount |
Mount HDF5 file onto specified location | |
Open HDF5 file |
H5F.reopen |
Reopen HDF5 file |
H5F.set_mdc_config |
Configure HDF5 file metadata cache |
H5F.unmount |
Unmount file or group from mount point |
H5G.close |
Close group |
H5G.create |
Create group |
H5G.get_info |
Information about group | |
Open specified group |
H5I.dec_ref |
Decrement reference count |
H5I.get_file_id |
File identifier for specified object |
H5I.get_name |
Name of object |
H5I.get_ref |
Reference count of object |
H5I.get_type |
Type of object |
H5I.inc_ref |
Increment reference count of specified object |
H5I.is_valid |
Determine if specified identifier is valid |
H5L.copy |
Copy link from source location to destination location |
H5L.create_external |
Create soft link to external object |
H5L.create_hard |
Create hard link |
H5L.create_soft |
Create soft link |
H5L.delete |
Remove link |
H5L.exists |
Determine if link exists |
H5L.get_info |
Information about link |
H5L.get_name_by_idx |
Information about link specified by index |
H5L.get_val |
Value of symbolic link |
H5L.iterate |
Iterate over links |
H5L.iterate_by_name |
Iterate through links in group specified by name |
H5L.move |
Rename link |
H5L.visit |
Recursively iterate through links in group specified by group identifier |
H5L.visit_by_name |
Recursively iterate through links in group specified by location and group name |
H5ML.compare_values |
Numerically compare two HDF5 values |
H5ML.get_constant_names |
Constants known by HDF5 library |
H5ML.get_constant_value |
Value corresponding to a string |
H5ML.get_function_names |
Functions provided by HDF5 library |
H5ML.get_mem_datatype |
Data type for dataset ID |
H5O.close |
Close object |
H5O.copy |
Copy object from source location to destination location |
H5O.get_comment |
Get comment for object specified by object identifier |
H5O.get_comment_by_name |
Get comment for object specified by location and object name |
H5O.get_info |
Object metadata | |
Create hard link to specified object | |
Open specified object |
H5O.open_by_idx |
Open object specified by index |
H5O.set_comment |
Set comment for object specified by object identifier |
H5O.set_comment_by_name |
Set comment for object specified by location and object name |
H5O.visit |
Visit objects specified by object identifier |
H5O.visit_by_name |
Visit objects specified by location and object name |
H5P.close |
Close property list |
H5P.copy |
Copy of property list |
H5P.create |
Create new property list |
H5P.get_class |
Property list class |
H5P.close_class |
Close property list class |
H5P.equal |
Determine equality of property lists |
H5P.exist |
Determine if specified property exists in property list |
H5P.get |
Value of specified property in property list |
H5P.get_class_name |
Name of property list class |
H5P.get_class_parent |
Identifier for parent class |
H5P.get_nprops |
Query number of properties in property list or class |
H5P.get_size |
Query size of property value in bytes |
H5P.isa_class |
Determine if property list is member of class |
H5P.iterate |
Iterate over properties in property list |
H5P.set |
Set property list value |
H5P.get_btree_ratios |
B-tree split ratios |
H5P.get_chunk_cache |
Raw data chunk cache parameters |
H5P.get_edc_check |
Determine if error detection is enabled |
H5P.get_hyper_vector_size |
Number of I/O vectors |
H5P.set_btree_ratios |
Set B-tree split ratios for dataset transfer |
H5P.set_chunk_cache |
Set raw data chunk cache parameters |
H5P.set_edc_check |
Enable error detection for dataset transfer |
H5P.set_hyper_vector_size |
Set number of I/O vectors for hyperslab I/O |
H5P.all_filters_avail |
Determine availability of all filters |
H5P.fill_value_defined |
Determine if fill value is defined |
H5P.get_alloc_time |
Return timing of storage space allocation |
H5P.get_chunk |
Return size of chunks |
H5P.get_external |
Return information about external file |
H5P.get_external_count |
Return count of external files |
H5P.get_fill_time |
Return time when fill values are written to dataset |
H5P.get_fill_value |
Return dataset fill value |
H5P.get_filter |
Return information about filter in pipeline |
H5P.get_filter_by_id |
Return information about specified filter |
H5P.get_layout |
Determine layout of raw data for dataset |
H5P.get_nfilters |
Return number of filters in pipeline |
H5P.modify_filter |
Modify filter in pipeline |
H5P.remove_filter |
Remove filter from property list |
H5P.set_alloc_time |
Set timing for storage space allocation |
H5P.set_chunk |
Set chunk size |
H5P.set_deflate |
Set compression method and compression level |
H5P.set_external |
Add additional file to external file list |
H5P.set_fill_time |
Set time when fill values are written to dataset |
H5P.set_fill_value |
Set fill value for dataset creation property list |
H5P.set_filter |
Add filter to filter pipeline |
H5P.set_fletcher32 |
Set Fletcher32 checksum filter in dataset creation |
H5P.set_layout |
Set type of storage for dataset |
H5P.set_nbit |
Set N-Bit filter |
H5P.set_scaleoffset |
Set Scale-Offset filter |
H5P.set_shuffle |
Set shuffle filter |
H5P.get_alignment |
Retrieve alignment properties |
H5P.get_driver |
Low-level file driver |
H5P.get_family_offset |
Offset for family file driver |
H5P.get_fapl_core |
Information about core file driver properties |
H5P.get_fapl_family |
File access property list information |
H5P.get_fapl_multi |
Information about multifile access property list |
H5P.get_fclose_degree |
File close degree |
H5P.get_libver_bounds |
Library version bounds settings |
H5P.get_gc_references |
Garbage collection references setting |
H5P.get_mdc_config |
Metadata cache configuration |
H5P.get_meta_block_size |
Metadata block size setting |
H5P.get_multi_type |
Type of data property for MULTI driver |
H5P.get_sieve_buf_size |
Maximum data sieve buffer size |
H5P.get_small_data_block_size |
Small data block size setting |
H5P.set_alignment |
Set alignment properties for file access property list |
H5P.set_family_offset |
Set offset property for family of files |
H5P.set_fapl_core |
Modify file access to use H5FD_CORE driver |
H5P.set_fapl_family |
Set file access to use family driver |
H5P.set_fapl_log |
Set use of logging driver |
H5P.set_fapl_multi |
Set use of multifile driver |
H5P.set_fapl_sec2 |
Set file access for sec2 driver |
H5P.set_fapl_split |
Set file access for emulation of split file driver |
H5P.set_fapl_stdio |
Set file access for standard I/O driver |
H5P.set_fclose_degree |
Set file access for file close degree |
H5P.set_gc_references |
Set garbage collection references flag |
H5P.set_libver_bounds |
Set library version bounds for objects |
H5P.set_mdc_config |
Set initial metadata cache configuration |
H5P.set_meta_block_size |
Set minimum metadata block size |
H5P.set_multi_type |
Specify type of data accessed with MULTI driver |
H5P.set_sieve_buf_size |
Set maximum size of data sieve buffer |
H5P.set_small_data_block_size |
Set size of block reserved for small data |
H5P.get_istore_k |
Return 1/2 rank of indexed storage B-tree |
H5P.get_sizes |
Return size of offsets and lengths |
H5P.get_sym_k |
Return size of B-tree 1/2 rank and leaf node 1/2 size |
H5P.get_userblock |
Return size of user block |
H5P.get_version |
Return version information for file creation property list |
H5P.set_istore_k |
Set size of parameter for indexing chunked datasets |
H5P.set_sizes |
Set byte size of offsets and lengths |
H5P.set_sym_k |
Set size of parameters used to control symbol table nodes |
H5P.set_userblock |
Set user block size |
H5P.get_attr_creation_order |
Return tracking order and indexing settings |
H5P.get_attr_phase_change |
Retrieve attribute phase change thresholds |
H5P.get_copy_object |
Return properties to be used when object is copied |
H5P.set_attr_creation_order |
Set tracking of attribute creation order |
H5P.set_attr_phase_change |
Set attribute storage phase change thresholds |
H5P.set_copy_object |
Set properties to be used when objects are copied |
H5P.get_create_intermediate_group |
Determine creation of intermediate groups |
H5P.get_link_creation_order |
Query if link creation order is tracked |
H5P.get_link_phase_change |
Query settings for conversion between groups |
H5P.set_create_intermediate_group |
Set creation of intermediate groups |
H5P.set_link_creation_order |
Set creation order tracking and indexing |
H5P.set_link_phase_change |
Set parameters for group conversion |
H5P.get_char_encoding |
Return character encoding |
H5P.set_char_encoding |
Set character encoding used to encode strings |
H5R.create |
Create reference |
H5R.dereference |
Open object specified by reference |
H5R.get_name |
Name of referenced object |
H5R.get_obj_type |
Type of referenced object |
H5R.get_region |
Copy of data space of specified region |
H5S.copy |
Create copy of data space |
H5S.create |
Create new data space |
H5S.close |
Close data space |
H5S.create_simple |
Create new simple data space |
H5S.extent_copy |
Copy extent from source to destination data space |
H5S.is_simple |
Determine if data space is simple |
H5S.offset_simple |
Set offset of simple data space |
H5S.select_all |
Select entire extent of data space |
H5S.select_elements |
Specify coordinates to include in selection |
H5S.select_hyperslab |
Select hyperslab region |
H5S.select_none |
Reset selection region to include no elements |
H5S.select_valid |
Determine validity of selection |
H5S.set_extent_none |
Remove extent from data space |
H5S.set_extent_simple |
Set size of data space |
H5S.get_select_bounds |
Bounding box of data space selection |
H5S.get_select_elem_npoints |
Number of element points in selection |
H5S.get_select_elem_pointlist |
Element points in data space selection |
H5S.get_select_hyper_blocklist |
List of hyperslab blocks |
H5S.get_select_hyper_nblocks |
Number of hyperslab blocks |
H5S.get_select_npoints |
Number of elements in data space selection |
H5S.get_select_type |
Type of data space selection |
H5S.get_simple_extent_dims |
Data space size and maximum size |
H5S.get_simple_extent_ndims |
Data space rank |
H5S.get_simple_extent_npoints |
Number of elements in data space |
H5S.get_simple_extent_type |
Data space class |
H5T.close |
Close data type |
H5T.commit |
Commit transient data type |
H5T.committed |
Determine if data type is committed |
H5T.copy |
Copy data type |
H5T.create |
Create new data type |
H5T.detect_class |
Determine of data type contains specific class |
H5T.equal |
Determine equality of data types |
H5T.get_class |
Data type class identifier |
H5T.get_create_plist |
Copy of data type creation property list |
H5T.get_native_type |
Native data type of dataset data type |
H5T.get_size |
Size of data type in bytes |
H5T.get_super |
Base data type |
H5T.lock |
Lock data type | |
Open named data type |
H5T.array_create |
Create array data type object |
H5T.get_array_dims |
Array dimension extents |
H5T.get_array_ndims |
Rank of array data type |
H5T.get_cset |
Character set of string data type |
H5T.get_ebias |
Exponent bias of floating-point type |
H5T.get_fields |
Floating-point data type bit field information |
H5T.get_inpad |
Internal padding type for floating-point data types |
H5T.get_norm |
Mantissa normalization type |
H5T.get_offset |
Bit offset of first significant bit |
H5T.get_order |
Byte order of atomic data type |
H5T.get_pad |
Padding type of least and most-significant bits |
H5T.get_precision |
Precision of atomic data type |
H5T.get_sign |
Sign type for integer data type |
H5T.get_strpad |
Storage mechanism for string data type |
H5T.set_cset |
Set character dataset for string data type |
H5T.set_ebias |
Set exponent bias of floating-point data type |
H5T.set_fields |
Set sizes and locations of floating-point bit fields |
H5T.set_inpad |
Specify how unused internal bits are to be filled |
H5T.set_norm |
Set mantissa normalization of floating-point data type |
H5T.set_offset |
Set bit offset of first significant bit |
H5T.set_order |
Set byte ordering of atomic data type |
H5T.set_pad |
Set padding type for least and most significant bits |
H5T.set_precision |
Set precision of atomic data type |
H5T.set_sign |
Set sign property for integer data type |
H5T.set_size |
Set size of data type in bytes |
H5T.set_strpad |
Set storage mechanism for string data type |
H5T.get_member_class |
Data type class for compound data type member |
H5T.get_member_index |
Index of compound or enumeration type member |
H5T.get_member_name |
Name of compound or enumeration type member |
H5T.get_member_offset |
Offset of field of compound data type |
H5T.get_member_type |
Data type of specified member |
H5T.get_nmembers |
Number of elements in enumeration type |
H5T.insert |
Add member to compound data type |
H5T.pack |
Recursively remove padding from compound data type |
H5T.enum_create |
Create new enumeration data type |
H5T.enum_insert |
Insert enumeration data type member |
H5T.enum_nameof |
Name of enumeration data type member |
H5T.enum_valueof |
Value of enumeration data type member |
H5T.get_member_value |
Value of enumeration data type member |
H5T.get_tag |
Tag associated with opaque data type |
H5T.set_tag |
Tag opaque data type with description |
H5T.is_variable_str |
Determine if data type is variable-length string |
H5T.vlen_create |
Create new variable-length data type |
H5Z.filter_avail |
Determine if filter is available |
H5Z.get_filter_info |
Information about filter |
hdfinfo |
Information about HDF4 or HDF-EOS file |
hdfread |
Read data from HDF4 or HDF-EOS file |
hdftool |
Browse and import data from HDF4 or HDF-EOS files |
imread |
Read image from graphics file |
imwrite |
Write image to graphics file |
hdfan |
Gateway to HDF multifile annotation (AN) interface |
hdfhx |
Gateway to HDF external data (HX) interface |
hdfh |
Gateway to HDF H interface |
hdfhd |
Gateway to HDF HD interface |
hdfhe |
Gateway to HDF HE interface |
hdfml |
Utilities for working with MATLAB HDF gateway functions |
hdfpt |
Interface to HDF-EOS Point object |
hdfv |
Gateway to HDF Vgroup (V) interface |
hdfvf |
Gateway to VF functions in HDF Vdata interface |
hdfvh |
Gateway to VH functions in HDF Vdata interface |
hdfvs |
Gateway to VS functions in HDF Vdata interface |
hdfdf24 |
Gateway to HDF 24-bit raster image (DF24) interface |
hdfdfr8 |
Gateway to HDF 8-bit raster image (DFR8) interface |
fitsdisp |
Display FITS metadata |
fitsinfo |
Information about FITS file |
fitsread |
Read data from FITS file |
fitswrite |
Write image to FITS file |
createFile |
Create FITS file |
openFile |
Open FITS file |
closeFile |
Close FITS file |
deleteFile |
Delete FITS file |
fileName |
Name of FITS file |
fileMode |
I/O mode of FITS file |
createImg |
Create FITS image |
getImgSize |
Size of image |
getImgType |
Data type of image |
insertImg |
Insert FITS image after current image |
readImg |
Read image data |
setBscale |
Reset image scaling |
writeImg |
Write to FITS image |
readCard |
Header record of keyword |
readKey |
Keyword |
readKeyCmplx |
Keyword as complex scalar value |
readKeyDbl |
Keyword as double precision value |
readKeyLongLong |
Keyword as int64 |
readKeyLongStr |
Long string value |
readKeyUnit |
Physical units string from keyword |
readRecord |
Header record specified by number |
writeComment |
Write or append COMMENT keyword to CHU |
writeDate |
Write DATE keyword to CHU |
writeKey |
Update or add new keyword into current HDU |
writeKeyUnit |
Write physical units string |
writeHistory |
Write or append HISTORY keyword to CHU |
deleteKey |
Delete key by name |
deleteRecord |
Delete key by record number |
getHdrSpace |
Number of keywords in header |
copyHDU |
Copy current HDU from one file to another |
getHDUnum |
Number of current HDU in FITS file |
getHDUtype |
Type of current HDU |
getNumHDUs |
Total number of HDUs in FITS file |
movAbsHDU |
Move to absolute HDU number |
movNamHDU |
Move to first HDU having specific type and keyword values |
movRelHDU |
Move relative number of HDUs from current HDU |
writeChecksum |
Compute and write checksum for current HDU |
deleteHDU |
Delete current HDU in FITS file |
imgCompress |
Compress HDU from one file into another |
isCompressedImg |
Determine if current image is compressed |
setCompressionType |
Set image compression type |
setHCompScale |
Set scale parameter for HCOMPRESS algorithm |
setHCompSmooth |
Set smoothing for images compressed with HCOMPRESS |
setTileDim |
Set tile dimensions |
createTbl |
Create new ASCII or binary table extension |
insertCol |
Insert column into table |
insertRows |
Insert rows into table |
insertATbl |
Insert ASCII table after current HDU |
insertBTbl |
Insert binary table after current HDU |
deleteCol |
Delete column from table |
deleteRows |
Delete rows from table |
getAColParms |
ASCII table information |
getBColParms |
Binary table information |
getColName |
Table column name |
getColType |
Scaled column data type, repeat value, width |
getEqColType |
Column data type, repeat value, width |
getNumCols |
Number of columns in table |
getNumRows |
Number of rows in table |
readATblHdr |
Read header information from current ASCII table |
readBTblHdr |
Read header information from current binary table |
readCol |
Read rows of ASCII or binary table column |
setTscale |
Reset image scaling |
writeCol |
Write elements into ASCII or binary table column |
getConstantValue |
Numeric value of named constant |
getVersion |
Revision number of the CFITSIO library |
getOpenFiles |
List of open FITS files |
multibandread |
Read band-interleaved data from binary file |
multibandwrite |
Write band-interleaved data to file |
cdfinfo |
Information about Common Data Format (CDF) file |
cdfread |
Read data from Common Data Format (CDF) file |
cdfepoch |
Convert date text or serial date number to CDF formatted dates |
todatenum |
Convert CDF epoch object to MATLAB serial date number |
audioinfo |
Information about audio file |
audioread |
Read audio file |
audiowrite |
Write audio file |
VideoReader |
Create object to read video files |
VideoWriter |
Create object to write video files |
mmfileinfo |
Information about multimedia file |
lin2mu |
Convert linear audio signal to mu-law |
mu2lin |
Convert mu-law audio signal to linear |
VideoReader |
Read video files |
VideoWriter |
Write video files |
audiodevinfo |
Information about audio device |
audioplayer |
Create object for playing audio |
audiorecorder |
Create object for recording audio |
sound |
Convert matrix of signal data to sound |
soundsc |
Scale data and play as sound |
beep |
Produce operating system beep sound |
xmlread |
Read XML document and return Document Object Model node |
xmlwrite |
Write XML Document Object Model node |
xslt |
Transform XML document using XSLT engine |
load |
Load variables from file into workspace |
save |
Save workspace variables to file |
matfile |
Access and change variables directly in MAT-files, without loading into memory |
disp |
Display value of variable |
who |
List variables in workspace |
whos |
List variables in workspace, with sizes and types |
clear |
Remove items from workspace, freeing up system memory |
clearvars |
Clear variables from memory |
openvar |
Open workspace variable in Variables editor or other graphical editing tool |
fclose |
Close one or all open files |
feof |
Test for end-of-file |
ferror |
Information about file I/O errors |
fgetl |
Read line from file, removing newline characters |
fgets |
Read line from file, keeping newline characters |
fileread |
Read contents of file as text |
fopen |
Open file, or obtain information about open files |
fprintf |
Write data to text file |
fread |
Read data from binary file |
frewind |
Move file position indicator to beginning of open file |
fscanf |
Read data from text file |
fseek |
Move to specified position in file |
ftell |
Position in open file |
fwrite |
Write data to binary file |
tcpclient |
Create TCP/IP client object to communicate over TCP/IP |
read |
Read data from remote host over TCP/IP |
write |
Write data to remote host over TCP/IP |
web |
Open web page or file in browser |
webread |
Read content from RESTful web service |
webwrite |
Write data to RESTful web service |
websave |
Save content from RESTful web service to file |
weboptions |
Specify parameters for RESTful web service |
sendmail |
Send email message to address list |
ftp |
Connect to FTP server |
jsondecode |
Decode JSON-formatted text |
jsonencode |
Encode structured MATLAB data as JSON-formatted text |
delete (serial) |
Remove serial port object from memory |
fclose (serial) |
Disconnect serial port object from device |
fgetl (serial) |
Read line of ASCII text from device and discard terminator |
fgets (serial) |
Read line of text from device and include terminator |
fopen (serial) |
Connect serial port object to device |
fprintf (serial) |
Write text to device |
fread (serial) |
Read binary data from device |
fscanf (serial) |
Read ASCII data from device, and format as text |
fwrite (serial) |
Write binary data to device |
get (serial) |
Serial port object properties |
isvalid (serial) |
Determine whether serial port objects are valid |
readasync |
Read data asynchronously from device |
serial |
Create serial port object |
serialbreak |
Send break to device connected to serial port |
seriallist |
List of serial ports connected to your system |
set (serial) |
Configure or display serial port object properties |
stopasync |
Stop asynchronous read and write operations |
clear (serial) |
Remove serial port object from MATLAB workspace |
disp (serial) |
Serial port object summary information |
instrcallback |
Event information when event occurs |
instrfind |
Read serial port objects from memory to MATLAB workspace |
instrfindall |
Find visible and hidden serial port objects |
load (serial) |
Load serial port objects and variables into MATLAB workspace |
length (serial) |
Length of serial port object array |
record |
Record data and event information to file |
save (serial) |
Save serial port objects and variables to file |
size (serial) |
Size of serial port object array |
tabularTextDatastore |
Create TabularTextDatastore object for collections of tabular text data |
imageDatastore |
Create ImageDatastore object for collections of image data |
spreadsheetDatastore |
Create SpreadsheetDatastore object for collections of spreadsheet data |
fileDatastore |
Create FileDatastore object for collections of custom files |
datastore |
Create datastore for large collections of data |
TabularTextDatastore |
Datastore for tabular text files |
ImageDatastore |
Datastore for image data |
SpreadsheetDatastore |
Datastore for spreadsheet files |
KeyValueDatastore |
Datastore for key-value pair data |
FileDatastore |
Datastore for custom format files |
TallDatastore |
Datastore for checkpointing tall arrays |
tall |
Create tall array |
datastore |
Create datastore for large collections of data |
mapreducer |
Define execution environment for mapreduce or tall arrays |
gather |
Collect tall array into memory after executing queued operations |
head |
Get top rows of table, timetable, or tall array |
tail |
Get bottom rows of table, timetable, or tall array |
topkrows |
Top rows in sorted order |
istall |
Determine if input is tall array |
classUnderlying |
Class of underlying data in tall array |
isaUnderlying |
Determine if tall array data is of specified class |
write |
Write tall array to disk for checkpointing |
mapreduce |
Programming technique for analyzing data sets that do not fit in memory |
datastore |
Create datastore for large collections of data |
add |
Add single key-value pair to KeyValueStore |
addmulti |
Add multiple key-value pairs to KeyValueStore |
hasnext |
Determine if ValueIterator has one or more values available |
getnext |
Get next value from ValueIterator |
mapreducer |
Define execution environment for mapreduce or tall arrays |
gcmr |
Get current mapreducer configuration |
KeyValueStore |
Store key-value pairs for use with mapreduce |
ValueIterator |
An iterator over intermediate values for use with mapreduce |
matfile |
Access and change variables directly in MAT-files, without loading into memory |
memmapfile |
Create memory map to a file |
ismissing |
Find missing values |
rmmissing |
Remove missing entries |
fillmissing |
Fill missing values |
missing |
Create missing values |
standardizeMissing |
Insert standard missing values |
isoutlier |
Find outliers in data |
filloutliers |
Detect and replace outliers in data |
smoothdata |
Smooth noisy data |
movmean |
Moving mean |
movmedian |
Moving median |
detrend |
Remove linear trends |
filter |
1-D digital filter |
filter2 |
2-D digital filter |
discretize |
Group data into bins or categories |
histcounts |
Histogram bin counts |
histcounts2 |
Bivariate histogram bin counts |
findgroups |
Find groups and return group numbers |
splitapply |
Split data into groups and apply function |
rowfun |
Apply function to table or timetable rows |
varfun |
Apply function to table or timetable variables |
accumarray |
Construct array with accumulation |
min |
Smallest elements in array |
max |
Largest elements in array |
bounds |
Smallest and largest elements |
mean |
Average or mean value of array |
median |
Median value of array |
mode |
Most frequent values in array |
std |
Standard deviation |
var |
Variance |
corrcoef |
Correlation coefficients |
cov |
Covariance |
cummax |
Cumulative maximum |
cummin |
Cumulative minimum |
movmad |
Moving median absolute deviation |
movmax |
Moving maximum |
movmean |
Moving mean |
movmedian |
Moving median |
movmin |
Moving minimum |
movprod |
Moving product |
movstd |
Moving standard deviation |
movsum |
Moving sum |
movvar |
Moving variance |
pan |
Pan view of graph interactively |
zoom |
Turn zooming on or off or magnify by factor |
rotate |
Rotate object about specified origin and direction |
rotate3d |
Rotate 3-D view using mouse |
brush |
Interactively mark, delete, modify, and save observations in graphs |
datacursormode |
Enable, disable, and manage interactive data cursor mode |
ginput |
Graphical input from mouse or cursor |
linkdata |
Automatically update graphs when variables change |
linkaxes |
Synchronize limits of specified 2-D axes |
linkprop |
Keep same value for corresponding properties of graphics objects |
refreshdata |
Refresh data in graph when data source is specified |
figurepalette |
Show or hide Figure Palette |
plotbrowser |
Show or hide figure Plot Browser |
plotedit |
Interactively edit and annotate plots |
plottools |
Show or hide plot tools |
propertyeditor |
Show or hide Property Editor |
propedit |
Open Property Editor |
showplottool |
Show or hide figure plot tool |
if, elseif, else |
Execute statements if condition is true |
for |
for loop to repeat specified number of times |
parfor |
Parallel for loop |
switch, case, otherwise |
Execute one of several groups of statements |
try, catch |
Execute statements and catch resulting errors |
while |
while loop to repeat when condition is true |
break |
Terminate execution of for or while loop |
continue |
Pass control to next iteration of for or while loop |
end |
Terminate block of code, or indicate last array index |
pause |
Stop MATLAB execution temporarily |
return |
Return control to invoking function |
edit |
Edit or create file |
input |
Request user input |
publish |
Generate view of MATLAB file in specified format |
grabcode |
Extract MATLAB code from file published to HTML |
snapnow |
Force snapshot of image for inclusion in published document |
function |
Declare function name, inputs, and outputs |
nargin |
Number of function input arguments |
nargout |
Number of function output arguments |
varargin |
Variable-length input argument list |
varargout |
Variable-length output argument list |
narginchk |
Validate number of input arguments |
nargoutchk |
Validate number of output arguments |
validateattributes |
Check validity of array |
validatestring |
Check validity of text |
inputParser |
Parse function inputs |
inputname |
Variable name of function input |
isvarname |
Determine if input is valid variable name |
matlab.lang.makeUniqueStrings |
Construct unique strings from input strings |
matlab.lang.makeValidName |
Construct valid MATLAB identifiers from input strings |
namelengthmax |
Maximum identifier length |
persistent |
Define persistent variable |
assignin |
Assign value to variable in specified workspace |
global |
Declare variables as global |
mlock |
Prevent clearing function from memory |
munlock |
Allow clearing functions from memory |
mislocked |
Determine if function is locked in memory |
try, catch |
Execute statements and catch resulting errors |
error |
Throw error and display message |
warning |
Display warning message |
lastwarn |
Last warning message |
assert |
Throw error if condition false |
onCleanup |
Cleanup tasks upon function completion |
addpath |
Add folders to search path |
rmpath |
Remove folders from search path |
path |
View or change search path |
savepath |
Save current search path |
userpath |
View or change default user work folder |
genpath |
Generate path name |
pathsep |
Search path separator for current platform |
pathtool |
Open Set Path dialog box to view and change search path |
restoredefaultpath |
Restore search path to its factory-installed state |
rehash |
Refresh function and file system path caches |
dir |
List folder contents |
ls |
List folder contents |
pwd |
Identify current folder |
fileattrib |
Set or get attributes of file or folder |
exist |
Check existence of variable, script, function, folder, or class |
isdir |
Determine whether input is a folder |
type |
Display contents of file |
visdiff |
Compare two text files, MAT-Files, binary files, Zip files, or folders |
what |
List MATLAB files in folder |
which |
Locate functions and files |
cd |
Change current folder |
copyfile |
Copy file or folder |
delete |
Delete files or objects |
recycle |
Set option to move deleted files to recycle folder |
mkdir |
Make new folder |
movefile |
Move file or folder |
rmdir |
Remove folder |
open |
Open file in appropriate application |
winopen |
Open file in appropriate application (Windows) |
zip |
Compress files into zip file |
unzip |
Extract contents of zip file |
gzip |
Compress files into GNU zip files |
gunzip |
Uncompress GNU zip files |
tar |
Compress files into tar file |
untar |
Extract contents of tar file |
fileparts |
Parts of file name and path |
fullfile |
Build full file name from parts |
filemarker |
Character to separate file name and internal function name |
filesep |
File separator for current platform |
tempdir |
Name of system's temporary folder |
tempname |
Unique name for temporary file |
matlabroot |
Root folder |
toolboxdir |
Root folder for specified toolbox |
dbclear |
Remove breakpoints |
dbcont |
Resume execution |
dbdown |
Reverse dbup workspace shift |
dbquit |
Quit debug mode |
dbstack |
Function call stack |
dbstatus |
List all breakpoints |
dbstep |
Execute next executable line from current breakpoint |
dbstop |
Set breakpoints for debugging |
dbtype |
Display file with line numbers |
dbup |
Shift current workspace to workspace of caller in debug mode |
checkcode |
Check MATLAB code files for possible problems |
keyboard |
Input from keyboard |
mlintrpt |
Run checkcode for file or folder |
edit |
Edit or create file |
echo |
Display statements during function execution |
eval |
Execute MATLAB expression in text |
evalc |
Evaluate MATLAB expression with capture |
evalin |
Execute MATLAB expression in specified workspace |
feval |
Evaluate function |
run |
Run MATLAB script |
builtin |
Execute built-in function from overloaded method |
matlab.codetools.requiredFilesAndProducts |
List dependencies of MATLAB program files |
mfilename |
File name of currently running code |
pcode |
Create protected function file |
timer |
Create object to schedule execution of MATLAB commands |
uiaxes |
(App Designer) Create UI axes for plots in App Designer |
uibutton |
(App Designer) Create push button or state button component |
uibuttongroup |
Create button group to manage radio buttons and toggle buttons |
uicheckbox |
(App Designer) Create check box component |
uidropdown |
(App Designer) Create drop-down component |
uieditfield |
(App Designer) Create text or numeric edit field component |
uilabel |
(App Designer) Create label component |
uilistbox |
(App Designer) Create list box component |
uiradiobutton |
(App Designer) Create radio button component |
uislider |
(App Designer) Create slider component |
uispinner |
(App Designer) Create spinner component |
uitable |
Create table user interface component |
uitextarea |
(App Designer) Create text area component |
uitogglebutton |
(App Designer) Create toggle button component |
scroll |
(App Designer) Scroll list box item or location into view |
uifigure |
(App Designer) Create UI figure window |
uipanel |
Create panel container object |
uitabgroup |
Create container for tabbed panels |
uitab |
Create tabbed panel |
uigauge |
(App Designer) Create circular, linear, ninety-degree, or semicircular gauge component |
uiknob |
(App Designer) Create continuous or discrete knob component |
uilamp |
(App Designer) Create lamp component |
uiswitch |
(App Designer) Create slider switch, rocker switch, or toggle switch component |
uialert |
(App Designer) Display alert dialog box for UI figure window |
questdlg |
Create question dialog box |
inputdlg |
Create dialog box that gathers user input |
listdlg |
Create list selection dialog box |
uisetcolor |
Open color picker |
uigetfile |
Open file selection dialog box |
uiputfile |
Open dialog box for saving files |
uigetdir |
Open folder selection dialog box |
uiopen |
Open dialog box for selecting files to load into workspace |
uisave |
Open dialog box for saving variables to MAT-file |
appdesigner |
Create or edit app file in App Designer |
figure |
Create figure window |
axes |
Create Cartesian axes |
uicontrol |
Create user interface control object |
uitable |
Create table user interface component |
uipanel |
Create panel container object |
uibuttongroup |
Create button group to manage radio buttons and toggle buttons |
uitab |
Create tabbed panel |
uitabgroup |
Create container for tabbed panels |
uimenu |
Create menus and menu items on figure windows |
uicontextmenu |
Create context menu |
uitoolbar |
Create toolbar on figure |
uipushtool |
Create push button on toolbar |
uitoggletool |
Create toggle button on toolbar |
actxcontrol |
Create Microsoft ActiveX control in figure window |
align |
Align UI components and graphics objects |
movegui |
Move UI figure to specified location on screen |
getpixelposition |
Get component position in pixels |
setpixelposition |
Set component position in pixels |
listfonts |
List available system fonts |
textwrap |
Wrap text for uicontrol |
uistack |
Reorder visual stacking order of objects |
inspect |
Open Property Inspector |
errordlg |
Create error dialog box |
warndlg |
Create warning dialog box |
msgbox |
Create message dialog box |
helpdlg |
Create help dialog box |
waitbar |
Open or update wait bar dialog box |
questdlg |
Create question dialog box |
inputdlg |
Create dialog box that gathers user input |
listdlg |
Create list selection dialog box |
uisetcolor |
Open color picker |
uisetfont |
Open font selection dialog box |
export2wsdlg |
Create dialog box for exporting variables to workspace |
uigetfile |
Open file selection dialog box |
uiputfile |
Open dialog box for saving files |
uigetdir |
Open folder selection dialog box |
uiopen |
Open dialog box for selecting files to load into workspace |
uisave |
Open dialog box for saving variables to MAT-file |
printdlg |
Open figure Print dialog box |
printpreview |
Open figure Print Preview dialog box |
exportsetupdlg |
Open figure Export Setup dialog box |
dialog |
Create empty modal dialog box |
uigetpref |
Conditionally open dialog box according to user preference |
guide |
Open GUIDE |
uiwait |
Block program execution and wait to resume |
uiresume |
Resume execution of blocked program |
waitfor |
Block execution and wait for condition |
waitforbuttonpress |
Wait for key press or mouse-button click |
closereq |
Default figure close request function |
getappdata |
Retrieve application-defined data |
setappdata |
Store application-defined data |
isappdata |
True if application-defined data exists |
rmappdata |
Remove application-defined data |
guidata |
Store or retrieve UI data |
guihandles |
Create structure containing all child objects of Figure |
uisetpref |
Manage preferences used in uigetpref |
matlab.apputil.create |
Create or modify app project file for packaging app into .mlappinstall file using interactive dialog box |
matlab.apputil.package |
Package app files into .mlappinstall file |
matlab.apputil.install |
Install app from a .mlappinstall file | |
Run app programmatically |
matlab.apputil.getInstalledAppInfo |
List installed app information |
matlab.apputil.uninstall |
Uninstall app |
class |
Determine class of object |
isobject |
Determine if input is MATLAB object |
enumeration |
Display class enumeration members and names |
events |
Event names |
methods |
Class method names |
properties |
Class property names |
classdef |
Class definition keywords |
classdef |
Class definition keywords |
import |
Add package or class to current import list |
properties |
Class property names |
isprop |
Determine if property of object |
mustBeFinite |
Validate that value is finite or issue error |
mustBeGreaterThan |
Validate that value is greater than another value or issue error |
mustBeGreaterThanOrEqual |
Validate that value is greater than or equal to another value or issue error |
mustBeInteger |
Validate that value is integer or issue error |
mustBeLessThan |
Validate that value is less than another value or issue error |
mustBeLessThanOrEqual |
Validate that value is less than or equal to another value or issue error |
mustBeMember |
Validate that value is member of specified set |
mustBeNegative |
Validate that value is negative or issue error |
mustBeNonempty |
Validate that value is nonempty or issue error |
mustBeNonNan |
Validate that value is nonNaN |
mustBeNonnegative |
Validate that value is nonnegative or issue error |
mustBeNonpositive |
Validate that value is nonpositive or issue error |
mustBeNonsparse |
Validate that value is nonsparse or issue error |
mustBeNonzero |
Validate that value is nonzero or issue error |
mustBeNumeric |
Validate that value is numeric or issue error |
mustBeNumericOrLogical |
Validate that value is numeric or logical or issue error |
mustBePositive |
Validate that value is positive or issue error |
mustBeReal |
Validate that value is real or issue error |
dynamicprops |
Superclass for classes that support dynamic properties |
meta.DynamicProperty |
Describe dynamic property of MATLAB object |
event.DynamicPropertyEvent |
Event data for dynamic property events | |
Describe property of MATLAB class |
matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState |
Represent on and off states with logical values |
methods |
Class method names |
ismethod |
Determine if method of object |
meta.method |
Describe method of MATLAB class |
isequal |
Determine array equality |
eq |
Determine equality |
handle |
Abstract class for deriving handle classes |
matlab.mixin.SetGet |
Provide handle classes with set and get methods |
matlab.mixin.SetGetExactNames |
Require exact name match for set and get methods |
dynamicprops |
Superclass for classes that support dynamic properties |
matlab.mixin.Copyable |
Superclass providing copy functionality for handle objects |
events |
Event names |
handle.notify |
Notify listeners that event is occurring |
handle.addlistener |
Create event listener |
event.hasListener |
Determine if listeners exist for event |
event.EventData |
Base class for event data |
event.listener |
Class defining listener objects |
event.PropertyEvent |
Data for property events |
event.proplistener |
Define listener object for property events |
superclasses |
Names of superclasses |
matlab.mixin.Heterogeneous |
Superclass for heterogeneous array formation |
enumeration |
Display class enumeration members and names |
isenum |
Determine if variable is enumeration |
meta.EnumeratedValue |
Describe enumeration member of MATLAB class |
numArgumentsFromSubscript |
Number of arguments for customized indexing methods |
subsref |
Redefine subscripted reference for objects |
subsasgn |
Redefine subscripted assignment |
subsindex |
Convert object to array index |
substruct |
Create structure argument for subsasgn or subsref |
builtin |
Execute built-in function from overloaded method |
empty |
Create empty array |
matlab.mixin.Heterogeneous |
Superclass for heterogeneous array formation |
disp |
Display value of variable |
display |
Used internally for command-window display |
details |
Display array details |
matlab.mixin.CustomDisplay |
Interface for customizing object display |
matlab.mixin.util.PropertyGroup |
Custom property list for object display |
saveobj |
Modify save process for object |
loadobj |
Modify load process for object |
edit |
Edit or create file |
metaclass |
Obtain meta.class object |
meta.abstractDetails |
Find abstract methods and properties |
meta.class.fromName |
Return meta.class object associated with named class |
meta.package.fromName |
Return meta.package object for specified package |
meta.package.getAllPackages |
Get all top-level packages |
properties |
Class property names |
methods |
Class method names |
events |
Event names |
superclasses |
Names of superclasses |
meta.class |
Describe MATLAB class | |
Describe property of MATLAB class |
meta.method |
Describe method of MATLAB class |
meta.event |
Describe event of MATLAB class |
meta.package |
Describe MATLAB package |
meta.DynamicProperty |
Describe dynamic property of MATLAB object |
meta.EnumeratedValue |
Describe enumeration member of MATLAB class |
meta.MetaData |
Superclass for MATLAB object metadata |
step |
Run System object algorithm |
clone |
Create duplicate System object |
getNumInputs |
Number of inputs required to call the System object |
getNumOutputs |
Number of outputs of from calling the System object |
isLocked |
Determine if System object is locked |
reset |
Reset internal states of System object |
release |
Release resources and allow changes to System object property values and input characteristics |
matlab.System |
Base class for System objects |
matlab.system.StringSet |
Set of valid character vector values |
matlab.system.mixin.FiniteSource |
Finite source mixin class |
mexext |
Binary MEX file-name extension |
inmem |
Names of functions, MEX-files, classes in memory |
loadlibrary |
Load C/C++ shared library into MATLAB |
unloadlibrary |
Unload shared library from memory |
libisloaded |
Determine if shared library is loaded |
calllib |
Call function in shared library |
libfunctions |
Return information on functions in shared library |
libfunctionsview |
Display shared library function signatures in window |
libstruct |
Convert MATLAB structure to C-style structure for use with shared library |
libpointer |
Pointer object for use with shared library |
lib.pointer |
Pointer object compatible with C pointer |
import |
Add package or class to current import list |
isjava |
Determine if input is Java object |
javaaddpath |
Add entries to dynamic Java class path |
javaArray |
Construct Java array object |
javachk |
Error message based on Java feature support |
javaclasspath |
Return Java class path or specify dynamic path |
javaMethod |
Call Java method |
javaMethodEDT |
Call Java method from Event Dispatch Thread (EDT) |
javaObject |
Call Java constructor |
javaObjectEDT |
Call Java constructor on Event Dispatch Thread (EDT) |
javarmpath |
Remove entries from dynamic Java class path |
usejava |
Determine if Java feature is available |
matlab.exception.JavaException |
Capture error information for Java exception |
NET.addAssembly |
Make .NET assembly visible to MATLAB |
NET.isNETSupported |
Check for supported Microsoft .NET Framework |
Summary of functions in MATLAB .NET interface |
enableNETfromNetworkDrive |
Enable access to .NET commands from network drive |
NET.Assembly |
Members of .NET assembly |
NET.NetException |
Capture error information for .NET exception |
cell |
Create cell array |
NET.createArray |
Array for nonprimitive .NET types |
NET.disableAutoRelease |
Lock .NET object representing a RunTime Callable Wrapper (COM Wrapper) so that MATLAB does not release COM object |
NET.enableAutoRelease |
Unlock .NET object representing a RunTime Callable Wrapper (COM Wrapper) so that MATLAB releases COM object |
NET.setStaticProperty |
Static property or field name |
BeginInvoke |
Initiate asynchronous .NET delegate call |
EndInvoke |
Retrieve result of asynchronous call initiated by .NET System.Delegate BeginInvoke method |
Combine |
Convenience function for static .NET System.Delegate Combine method |
Remove |
Convenience function for static .NET System.Delegate Remove method |
RemoveAll |
Convenience function for static .NET System.Delegate RemoveAll method |
bitand |
Bit-wise AND |
bitor |
Bit-wise OR |
bitxor |
Bit-wise XOR |
bitnot |
.NET enumeration object bit-wise NOT instance method |
NET.convertArray |
Convert numeric MATLAB array to .NET array |
NET.createGeneric |
Create instance of specialized .NET generic type |
NET.invokeGenericMethod |
Invoke generic method of object |
NET.GenericClass |
Represent parameterized generic type definitions |
actxserver |
Create COM server |
actxcontrol |
Create Microsoft ActiveX control in figure window |
actxcontrollist |
List currently installed Microsoft ActiveX controls |
actxcontrolselect |
Create Microsoft ActiveX control from UI |
actxGetRunningServer |
Handle to running instance of Automation server |
iscom |
Determine whether input is COM or ActiveX object |
isprop |
Determine whether input is COM object property |
get |
Get property value from interface, or display properties |
set |
Set object or interface property to specified value |
addproperty |
Add custom property to COM object |
deleteproperty |
Remove custom property from COM object |
inspect |
Open Property Inspector |
propedit |
Open built-in property page for control |
fieldnames |
Field names of structure, or public fields of COM or Java object |
ismethod |
Determine whether input is COM object method |
methods |
Class method names |
methodsview |
View class methods |
invoke |
Invoke method on COM object or interface, or display methods |
isevent |
Determine whether input is COM object event |
events |
List of events COM object can trigger |
eventlisteners |
List event handler functions associated with COM object events |
registerevent |
Associate event handler for COM object event at run time |
unregisterallevents |
Unregister all event handlers associated with COM object events at run time |
unregisterevent |
Unregister event handler associated with COM object event at run time |
isinterface |
Determine whether input is COM interface |
interfaces |
List custom interfaces exposed by COM server object |
release |
Release COM interface |
delete |
Remove COM control or server |
move |
Move or resize control in parent window |
load |
Initialize control object from file |
save |
Serialize control object to file |
pyversion |
Change default version of Python interpreter |
pyargs |
Create keyword argument for Python function |
matlab.exception.PyException |
Capture error information for Python exception |
pyargs |
Create keyword argument for Python function |
pyargs |
Create keyword argument for Python function | |
HTTP request message | |
HTTP response message | |
HTTP request or response message | |
HTTP message type | |
Body of HTTP message | |
HTTP protocol version | |
First line of HTTP request message | |
HTTP request method | |
First line of HTTP message | |
Status class of HTTP response | |
Status code in HTTP response | |
First line of HTTP response message | |
Header field of HTTP message | |
HTTP Accept header field | |
HTTP WWW-Authenticate or Proxy-Authenticate header field | |
HTTP Authentication-Info header field in response message | |
HTTP Authorization or Proxy-Authorization header field | |
HTTP Content-Length field | |
HTTP Content-Location header field | |
HTTP Content-Type header field | |
HTTP Cookie header field | |
HTTP Date header field | |
HTTP header field with any name and value | |
HTTP header field containing date | |
Base class for HTTP header fields containing nonnegative integers | |
HTTP Location header field | |
Base class for HTTP Content-Type and Accept header fields | |
HTTP Set-Cookie header field | |
Base class for HTTP header fields containing URI components | |
HTTP Authentication scheme | |
Authentication or authorization information in HTTP messages | |
HTTP cookie received from server | |
HTTP cookie information | |
Credentials for authenticating HTTP requests | |
Results in HTTP log record | |
Exception thrown by HTTP services | |
Options controlling HTTP message exchange | |
HTTP history log record | |
Internet media type used in HTTP headers | |
Progress monitor for HTTP message exchange | |
Uniform resource identifier (URI) | |
Convert arrays in HTTP queries | |
Parameter in query portion of uniform resource identifier (URI) | |
Base 64 decoding of string | |
Base 64 encoding of byte string or vector |
matlab.wsdl.createWSDLClient |
Create interface to SOAP-based web service |
matlab.wsdl.setWSDLToolPath |
Location of WSDL tools |
matlab.addons.toolbox.packageToolbox |
Package toolbox project |
matlab.addons.toolbox.toolboxVersion |
Query or modify version of toolbox |
matlab.addons.toolbox.installToolbox |
Install toolbox file |
matlab.addons.toolbox.uninstallToolbox |
Uninstall toolbox |
matlab.addons.toolbox.installedToolboxes |
Return information about installed toolboxes |
builddocsearchdb |
Build searchable documentation database |
try, catch |
Execute statements and catch resulting errors |
MException |
Capture error information |
addCause |
Record additional causes of exception |
getReport |
Get error message for exception |
last |
Return last uncaught exception |
rethrow |
Rethrow previously caught exception |
throw |
Throw exception |
throwAsCaller |
Throw exception as if occurs within calling function |
assert |
Throw error if condition false |
runtests |
Run set of tests |
testsuite |
Create suite of tests |
TestResult |
Result of running test suite |
functiontests |
Create array of tests from handles to local functions |
runtests |
Run set of tests |
testsuite |
Create suite of tests | |
Run TestSuite array using TestRunner object configured for text output |
Test |
Specification of a single test method |
FunctionTestCase |
TestCase used for function-based tests |
TestResult |
Result of running test suite |
runtests |
Run set of tests |
testsuite |
Create suite of tests | |
Run TestSuite array using TestRunner object configured for text output | |
Run all tests in TestSuite array |
matlab.unittest.TestCase |
Superclass of all matlab.unittest test classes |
matlab.unittest.TestSuite |
Class for grouping tests to run |
matlab.unittest.Test |
Specification of a single test method |
matlab.unittest.TestRunner |
Class for running tests in matlab.unittest framework |
matlab.unittest.TestResult |
Result of running test suite |
matlab.unittest.constraints.Constraint |
Fundamental interface class for comparisons |
matlab.unittest.constraints.BooleanConstraint |
Interface class for boolean combinations of constraints |
matlab.unittest.constraints.Tolerance |
Abstract interface class for tolerances |
matlab.unittest.fixtures.Fixture |
Interface class for test fixtures |
matlab.unittest.diagnostics.Diagnostic |
Fundamental interface class for matlab.unittest diagnostics |
matlab.unittest.diagnostics.ConstraintDiagnostic |
Diagnostics specific to matlab.unittest constraints |
matlab.unittest.plugins.TestRunnerPlugin |
Plugin interface for extending TestRunner |
matlab.unittest.plugins.QualifyingPlugin |
Interface for plugins that perform system-wide qualifications |
matlab.unittest.plugins.OutputStream |
Interface that determines where to send text output |
runperf |
Run set of tests for performance measurement |
testsuite |
Create suite of tests |
matlab.perftest.TimeExperiment |
Interface for measuring execution time of code under test |
matlab.perftest.FixedTimeExperiment |
TimeExperiment that collects fixed number of measurements |
matlab.perftest.FrequentistTimeExperiment |
TimeExperiment that collects variable number of measurements |
matlab.perftest.TestCase |
Superclass of matlab.perftest performance test classes |
matlab.unittest.measurement.MeasurementResult |
Result of measuring test suite |
matlab.mock.TestCase |
TestCase to write tests with mocking framework |
matlab.mock.AnyArguments |
Match any number of arguments |
matlab.mock.actions.AssignOutputs |
Define return values for method called or property accessed |
matlab.mock.actions.ReturnStoredValue |
Return stored property value |
matlab.mock.actions.StoreValue |
Store property value |
matlab.mock.actions.ThrowException |
Throw exception when method is called or when property is set or accessed |
matlab.mock.constraints.WasAccessed |
Constraint determining property get access |
matlab.mock.constraints.WasCalled |
Constraint determining method call |
matlab.mock.constraints.WasSet |
Constraint determining property set interaction |
matlab.mock.MethodCallBehavior |
Specify mock object method behavior and qualify method calls |
matlab.mock.PropertyBehavior |
Specify mock object property behavior and qualify interactions |
matlab.mock.PropertyGetBehavior |
Specify mock property get behavior |
matlab.mock.PropertySetBehavior |
Specify mock object set behavior |
timeit |
Measure time required to run function |
tic |
Start stopwatch timer |
toc |
Read elapsed time from stopwatch |
cputime |
Elapsed CPU time |
profile |
Profile execution time for functions |
bench |
MATLAB benchmark |
memory |
Display memory information |
inmem |
Names of functions, MEX-files, classes in memory |
pack |
Consolidate workspace memory |
memoize |
Add memoization semantics to function handle |
MemoizedFunction |
Call memoized function and cache results |
clearAllMemoizedCaches |
Clear caches for all MemoizedFunction objects |
clipboard |
Copy and paste text to and from system clipboard |
computer |
Information about computer on which MATLAB software is running |
system |
Execute operating system command and return output |
dos |
Execute DOS command and return output |
unix |
Execute UNIX command and return output |
getenv |
Environment variable |
setenv |
Set environment variable |
perl |
Call Perl script using appropriate operating system executable |
winqueryreg |
Item from Windows registry |
commandhistory |
Open Command History window, or select it if already open |
commandwindow |
Open Command Window, or select it if already open |
filebrowser |
Open Current Folder browser, or select it if already open |
workspace |
Open Workspace browser to manage workspace | |
Save workspace variables to MATLAB script |
getpref |
Preference |
setpref |
Set preference |
addpref |
Add preference |
rmpref |
Remove preference |
ispref |
Test for existence of preference |
mex |
Build MEX function from C/C++ or Fortran source code |
matlab.engine.shareEngine |
Convert running MATLAB session to shared session |
matlab.engine.engineName |
Return name of shared MATLAB session |
matlab.engine.isEngineShared |
Determine if MATLAB session is shared |
com.mathworks.engine.MatlabEngine |
Java class using MATLAB as a computational engine |
com.mathworks.matlab.types.Complex |
Java class to pass complex data to and from MATLAB |
com.mathworks.matlab.types.Struct |
Java class to pass MATLAB struct to and from MATLAB |
com.mathworks.matlab.types.CellStr |
Java class to represent MATLAB cell array of char vectors |
com.mathworks.matlab.types.HandleObject |
Java class to represent MATLAB handle objects |
Execute |
Execute MATLAB command in Automation server |
Feval |
Evaluate MATLAB function in Automation server |
GetCharArray |
Character array from Automation server |
PutCharArray |
Store character array in Automation server |
GetFullMatrix |
Matrix from Automation server workspace |
PutFullMatrix |
Matrix in Automation server workspace |
GetVariable |
Data from variable in Automation server workspace |
GetWorkspaceData |
Data from Automation server workspace |
PutWorkspaceData |
Data in Automation server workspace |
MaximizeCommandWindow |
Open Automation server window |
MinimizeCommandWindow |
Minimize size of Automation server window |
Quit |
Terminate MATLAB Automation server |
regmatlabserver |
Register current MATLAB as Automation server |
enableservice |
Enable, disable, or report status of MATLAB Automation server |
matlab.engine.start_matlab |
Start MATLAB Engine for Python |
matlab.engine.find_matlab |
Find shared MATLAB sessions to connect to MATLAB Engine for Python |
matlab.engine.connect_matlab |
Connect shared MATLAB session to MATLAB Engine for Python |
matlab.engine.shareEngine |
Convert running MATLAB session to shared session |
matlab.engine.engineName |
Return name of shared MATLAB session |
matlab.engine.isEngineShared |
Determine if MATLAB session is shared |
matlab.engine.MatlabEngine |
Python object using MATLAB as computational engine within Python session |
matlab.engine.FutureResult |
Results of asynchronous call to MATLAB function stored in Python object |
mex |
Build MEX function from C/C++ or Fortran source code |
dbmex |
Enable MEX-file debugging (on UNIX platforms) |
mex.getCompilerConfigurations |
Get compiler configuration information for building MEX files |
mexext |
Binary MEX file-name extension |
inmem |
Names of functions, MEX-files, classes in memory |
ver |
Version information for MathWorks products |
computer |
Information about computer on which MATLAB software is running |
mexext |
Binary MEX file-name extension |
mex.getCompilerConfigurations |
Get compiler configuration information for building MEX files |
dbmex |
Enable MEX-file debugging (on UNIX platforms) |
inmem |
Names of functions, MEX-files, classes in memory |
mex |
Build MEX function from C/C++ or Fortran source code |
mexext |
Binary MEX file-name extension |
matlab (Windows) |
Start MATLAB program from Windows system prompt |
matlab (Mac) |
Start MATLAB program from Mac Terminal |
matlab (Linux) |
Start MATLAB program from Linux system prompt |
exit |
Terminate MATLAB program (same as quit) |
quit |
Terminate MATLAB program |
matlabrc |
Start up file for MATLAB program |
startup |
Start up file for user-defined options |
finish |
Termination file for MATLAB program |
prefdir |
Folder containing preferences, history, and layout files |
preferences |
Open Preferences dialog box |
version |
Version number for MATLAB and libraries |
ver |
Version information for MathWorks products |
verLessThan |
Compare toolbox version to specified character vector |
license |
Get license number or perform licensing task |
ispc |
Determine if version is for Windows (PC) platform |
ismac |
Determine if version is for macOS platform |
isunix |
Determine if version is for Linux or Mac platforms |
isstudent |
Determine if version is Student Version |
javachk |
Error message based on Java feature support |
usejava |
Determine if Java feature is available |
doc |
Reference page in Help browser |
help |
Help for functions in Command Window |
docsearch |
Help browser search |
lookfor |
Search for keyword in all help entries |
demo |
Access product examples in Help browser |
echodemo |
Run example script step-by-step in Command Window |